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Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Americas, of Ford to Speak at GAC

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Americas, of Ford Motor Company to Speak at the Seventh Annual Global Automotive Conference

Executive Vice President of Ford Motor Company and Chief Operating Officer of the Americas, Anne Stevens is scheduled to speak at the Seventh Annual Global Automotive Conference in Lexington, Kentucky. The industry has become highly global; U.S. manufacturers are facing intense competition in terms of quality, design and price. The only way to address this situation is through innovation, strategic thinking and efficiencies throughout the entire supply chain. Through strategic reorganization, find out how Ford is addressing its present challenges and identifying future opportunities.

Anticipation is building as hundreds of top professionals from around the world are making plans to attend the Seventh Annual Global Automotive Conference!

The 2006 conference will be held at the Griffin Gate Marriott Hotel and Resort in beautiful Lexington, Kentucky on April 11-13 (

The conference is the key annual meeting for global original equipment manufacturers and suppliers. This conference is dedicated to industry leadership developments and a wide variety of automotive issues -from domestic manufacturing to international opportunities. Leaders from all genres of the automotive industry will discuss crucial issues, trends, and solutions that will greatly enhance your company’s bottom line!

Anyone who is serious about doing business within the competitive automotive industry cannot afford to miss this key annual event. For registration information
please visit us at or call us toll-free at 866-604-5252