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ASIMCO Technologies’ Casting Facility Awarded Ford Q1

One of the earliest Q1 suppliers of China

ASIMCO Technologies Limited announced that one of its casting facilities was named a Ford Q1 supplier, the highest quality honor given by Ford Motor Company (”Ford”). ASIMCO Casting (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (”ASIMCO Casting”) has been a supplier of pressure die cast parts to Ford for over two years.

Located in Beijing, ASIMCO Casting was established as a wholly foreign owned company in July, 1998. In addition to producing high quality pressure die and gravity castings for ASIMCO’s internal use, ASIMCO Casting supplies castings for both domestic and international customers such as Ford. ASIMCO Casting has full machining capability, enabling it to provide its customers with finished cast parts.

Jack Perkowski, Chairman and CEO of ASIMCO said, ”ASIMCO Casting is the first aluminum casting facility in China to be given Ford Q1 supplier status and we are very proud of this achievement. Aluminum castings are in great demand in both the domestic and international markets, and we have met the most stringent quality metrics in the global automotive industry, demonstrating our capability and dedication to achieving total customer satisfaction.”

Wilson Ni, Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing for ASIMCO said, ”The Ford Q1 designation requires a collaborative partnership with our customer and is acknowledgement of the hard work and efforts of the ASIMCO- Ford team. We are delighted that ASIMCO Casting has been recognized by Ford as a Q1 supplier and our goal is to have the entire ASIMCO group continue its development to become Ford’s global partner.”

The Ford Q1 designation recognizes suppliers that have demonstrated manufacturing excellence, superior quality, and continuous improvement in their operations.

ASIMCO Technologies Limited is a privately held, large scale, multi- product components manufacturing organization based in Beijing, China with global reach and managed by an international team in partnership with experienced local managers. ASIMCO operates 18 manufacturing facilities and a network of 36 sales offices in China, 3 manufacturing facilities as well as a sales office in the United States and a sales office in the United Kingdom. Since its formation in 1994, ASIMCO has substantially expanded its activities in supplying both the Chinese and international automotive markets.

ASIMCO Technologies’ strategy has been to provide capital, management and technology as part of a comprehensive program to enable its China based companies to compete in the global marketplace. ASIMCO has also established extensive strategic and technological relationships with leading international companies from the United States, Europe and Japan.

ASIMCO Technologies produces a broad range of powertrain, chassis components, diesel fuel injection and NVH products for passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Powertrain products include piston rings, camshafts, and cylinder blocks and heads, while chassis products include most major components for the brake system. ASIMCO supplies diesel fuel injection systems and compressors to the heavy-duty market. ASIMCO has core capabilities in key materials technologies such as ductile iron and aluminum castings, NVH products and has extensive machining and assembly capabilities.