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50 Million New NG Vehicles Expected Within Decade

Hybrid Energy Holdings, Inc. has initiated portfolio-wide property analysis and production assessments with projections for increasing production on its current properties as world demand for Natural Gas continues to grow, both in the transportation and power generation sectors.

The Company recently announced an 864% increase in production and a corresponding increase in revenue and profits over the same period last year and is planning to further production to meet the increased demand.

The International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles (IANGV), in the lead up to their biennial conference and exhibition, NGV 2010, in Rome, expects more than fifty million natural gas vehicles (NGVs) on the world’s roads in the next ten years. Potentially capturing upward of 9% of the world transport fleet by 2020, natural gas is set to claim its place as a dominant fuel choice after gasoline and diesel.

Association Executive Director Brett Jarman said that while many fuels and technologies were proving themselves in particular niches, natural gas has already proved itself in a broad range of applications over a number of years. “Among the 11 million NGVs on the road are motorcycles, three wheelers, forklifts, cars, trucks, buses, tractors, airport tugs, refuse trucks, rail locomotives, and even 150 tonne ‘road trains’ in Australia,” he said. “We can add to that the growing number of ferries, fishing boats, cargo ships and other marine vessels. No other alternative fuel, and not even gasoline for that matter, can claim the same level of diversity as natural gas.”

In addition to Natural Gas’ widespread demand for all modes of transportation, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) study, Fueling North America’s Energy Future: The Unconventional Natural Gas Revolution and the Carbon Agenda, predicts that increased growth in power demand over the coming two decades will likely lead natural gas demand for power generation to nearly double by 2030 from its current level.

The Company expects to further raise production levels on existing properties and thereby further increase revenue and shareholder value. The Company’s current holdings consist of 9 properties with rising production levels consistently delivering profitably and strong recurring cash-flows. The company’s portfolio contains 35 Billion Cubic Feet of reserves and produces from an estimated $30,000,000 in active reserves and an additional estimated $145,000,000 in available reserves.

About Hybrid Energy Holdings

Hybrid Energy Holdings (HEH) acquires and operates profitable energy companies with strong historical cash-flow and sustainable profitability. HEH’s acquisitions are focused primarily on traditional and proven fuel production and the latest in energy conservation and power co-generation technologies. HEH may acquire nascent energy technology or rights as portfolio enhancing assets. HEH’s primary business strategy is the acquisition of diverse, profitable energy related assets that provide synergistic profits and revenue enhancements across all portfolio companies.

HEH believes its combination of profitability and mitigated-risk funding structures provides long-term shareholder equity appreciation.

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