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Automile partners with Telit to deliver Automile connected car

Automile AB, a Swedish start-up based in Stockholm, hasbuilt a telematics platform with the Internet of Things in mind, calledAutomile PRO, reinventing  fleet managementfor businesses to connect with their car and driving data via a smart  cellular based OBD II device, available in 53countries. Automile has partnered with Telit Wireless Solutions to use Telit m2mAIR Mobile Core service to providenetwork connectivity  and ePortalmanagement for the Automile connected car platform.


Thanks to the flexibility of Core rate plans and thesimplicity of the ePortal subscription management tools, Automile had the competitive advantage to  close a deal for its  connected car platform with a leadinginternational car manufacturer valued at more than US$4 million in the firstyear. The agreement follows another milestone deal closed earlier this yearwith leading  aftermarket auto partsprovider, reinforcing the offering’s value and product differentiation  in the fleet management market.

Automile has been through an extended market assessmentof m2m technology providers  and selectedTelit for the technical superiority of its m2mAIR Mobile offering, togetherwith  its understanding and flexibilityin collaborating with high growth companies like Automile. “Providing a provenand tailored-made m2m communication foundation, Telit, with its  compelling m2mAIR Mobile services and deepunderstanding of our business DNA, has naturally positioned itself as the provider of choice for Automile,”said Jens Nylander, VP and  Co-founder ofAutomile AB.

“We are delighted to have been chosen by Automile to maketheir connected car platform a  strongand reliable, enterprise-grade communication platform between businesses,drivers, and their vehicles in over 53 markets, while supporting the richnessof their product creativity  and speed ofdevelopment to make Automile the connected car platform of reference” said  Sander Mulder, Global Sales Manager m2mAIRmobile, Telit Wireless Solutions. “By utilizing Pressrelease 2014-07-XX  ourunique portfolio of value added services Automile, has been able to increaseits  serviceability level while extendingits offering with new differentiating set of capabilities.”

About Automile AB:

Automile AB, Swedish start-up based in Stockholm hasbuild a telematics platform with the Internet of Things in  mind, called Automile PRO, reinventing fleetmanagement for businesses to connect with their car and driving  data via a smart cellular based OBD IIdevice, available in 53 countries. More info at:

About Telit Wireless Solutions:

Telit Wireless Solutions (AIM: TCM listed as TelitCommunications PLC), is a global enabler of machine-to-machine  (M2M) communications. Its ONE STOP. ONE SHOP.provides cellular, short-to-long range, positioning modules  plus m2mAIR, PaaS managed and value addedservices in application enablement, connectivity under mobile  networks and Cloud. Telit operates businessunit Telit Automotive Solutions delivering automotive-grade  products like the Automotive On-boardPlatform (ATOP) and services to auto manufacturers and tier-one auto  suppliers; and business unit Telit GNSSSolutions reaching M2M and beyond, delivering award-winning geopositioningproducts to the broader electronics and OEM markets. With over 12 yearsexclusively only in M2M, the company constantly advances technology through anetwork of R&D centers around the globe; marketing  products and services in over 80 countries.

By supplying scalable products interchangeable acrossfamilies, technologies and generations, rapid prototyping  tools for application development, and m2mtailored connectivity, Telit is able to reduce development costs,  protect design investments and minimizetechnical risk. The company provides customer support and design-in  assistance through 35 sales and supportoffices, a global distributor network of experts with over 30 competence  centers, and the Telit Technical SupportForum.

Telit provides products services and facilities toconnect organizations to the Internet of Things (IoT) allowing  them to wirelessly collect, process andrespond to real-world data from connected devices, creating new  efficiencies, revenue streams, societal andpersonal benefits. Join the conversation and learn more about Telit  and its customers’ innovative applications onFacebook and Twitter. Copyright © 2014 – Telit Communication PLC. All rightsreserved.

Telit, Telit Wireless Solutions, Telit CommunicationPLC,, telit2market, TelitTechnical Forum, m2mAIR,, secureWISE, deviceWISE and all associatedlogos are  trademarks of TelitCommunications PLC in the United States and other countries. Other names usedherein may be trademarks  of theirrespective owners.

For more information, please contact:

 Jens Nylander,

VP and Co-Founder Automile AB

Tel: : +46 (0)10-209 98 80
