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Flexpoint Sensor Systems Horn Switch System Completes Vehicle Testing

Flexpoint Sensor Systems, Inc. (, announced thatthey have received notice that the Fortune 100 Automobile maker has completedtheir hands-on in-vehicle testing and the rigorous driving test of the hornswitch system.  These tests are requiredbefore systems can be included in future vehicle models.  The driving test includes a 150,000 miledriving test in which the systems must function under actual drivingconditions.  The system functionedproperly and there were no outstanding issues.


The in-vehicle testing and hands-on experience gave eachof the departments within the automaker a chance to see the operational systemin place.  The testing also gavedesigners and engineers an opportunity to experience the system in an actualautomobile.  The product can now bedesignated for incorporation into future vehicle programs.


It is expected that as the horn switch units areintegrated into the first available program, the sensor will be expanded tointegrate control switches onto the horn pad. The application will likely beexpanded to additional models of automobiles and light trucks. 


As previously announced, an automotive platform typicallyranges from 150,000 to 4 million cars.  Aproduct is typically launched in a platform of between 50,000-100,000 vehiclesfor a “shake-out” period and then incorporated into additionalvehicles in future years. Once in full production, the annual revenue will growover time as the steering wheels in additional vehicle platforms are fittedwith Flexpoint’s horn switch system.  


“We are pleased with the reported results and arepleased with achieving this crucial milestone,” said Flexpoint CEO ClarkMower. “It is essential to have had our technology validated by worldleaders in the automotive industry.  Withthe “Implementation ready status” previously received, the path iscleared for the technology to be adopted into automobile models. I amoptimistic that our success will continue to grow and increase as more and moreindividuals within the company become knowledgeable about this system.”


About Flexpoint:

Flexpoint Sensor Systems, Inc. (FLXT), ( is aninnovative technology firm specializing in developing products that feature theCompany’s patented Bend Sensor® and related technology.  The Bend Sensor® is a groundbreaking sensingsolution that is revolutionizing applications in the automotive, safety,medical and industrial industries. The Bend Sensor’s single-layer, thin filmconstruction cuts costs and mechanical bulk while introducing a range offunctions and stylistic design possibilities that have never before beenavailable in sensing technology. Flexpoint’s technology and expertise have beenrecognized by the world’s elite business and academic innovators for over 17years. The company is setting a new standard for sensing solutions in the”smart” age of technology.