Nussbaum Automotive Solutions announced that their SPL10000 automotive lift model, manufactured in Gastonia, N.C., has received AutomotiveLift Institute (ALI) Certification.
The Automotive Lift Institute is a trade organization ofNorth American-based lift manufacturers that administers an independentlyverified product certification program. Through the certification process, ALIdetermined that the SPL 10000 is safely designed and constructed, thereforereducing lift-related accidents, damage and injuries. A powerful hydraulicasymmetrical lift with a lifting capacity of up to 10,000 pounds, theAmerican-made SPL 10000 reflects Nussbaum Automotive Solution’s high quality standardsand processes.
“Our SPL 10000 is breaking new ground as the highestquality vehicle lift made in the USA,” said Nussbaum Automotive SolutionsGeneral Manager Steve Green.
The SPL 10000 and Nussbaum’s additional lift models aremanufactured in the company’s first North American plant, which opened inOctober 2013. The facility has reached full production capacity, and isbuilding inventory of above-ground 2 post lifts and their widely popular Jumbodouble-scissors models. In-ground and mobile column lifts are also readilyavailable for expedited shipping and delivery from their North Carolina factorylocation.
Nussbaum Automotive Solutions continues to make progressin creating a strong distribution network in North America. The companycurrently has various market areas available for exclusive distribution.
“Our distributors and customers identify stronglywith our high quality product and our commitment to create jobs in the UnitedStates. Distributors across the U.S. and Canada are excited about our plans toprovide ‘Made in the USA’ products to their customers,” said BortieTwiford, Nussbaum Automotive Solutions’ North America business development andsales manager.
For more information on Nussbaum Automotive Solutions& ALI, please visit www.nussbaum-usa.comor www.autolift.org.
Nussbaum Automotive Solutions manufactures automotivelifts for passenger cars and heavy duty vehicles here in the USA. Building onthe time-tested German engineering of their parent company, Nussbaumconsistently delivers durable and reliable automotive aftermarket products.Their newest manufacturing plant, located in Gastonia, N.C., allows Nussbaum tobring innovation and top of the line manufacturing processes to all of North America,as well as shorter lead times for custom lift purchases, installation services,easily accessible parts and improved customer service.
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