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Arent Fox Adds Experienced Automotive Partner Russell McRory in New York

Arent Fox LLP is pleased toannounce that automotive industry counsel and litigator Russell P. McRory hasjoined the firm’s New York office as a partner in its nationally recognized Automotivegroup. Mr. McRory regularly represents auto dealerships on issues involvingregulatory compliance, relations with factories and suppliers, and franchising.In addition, he advises dealership owners on tax and asset protection andgeneral corporate matters. 

“Russell’s litigation skillsand background are a strong complement to the firm’s highly-regarded Automotivegroup,” said New York Managing Partner Michael S.Blass. “Well known and respected in the industry, Russell is a valuableaddition to the practice and our New York office.” Mr. McRory is a member ofthe board of directors of the National Association of Dealer Counsel andarrives from the New York office of Robinson Brog Leinwand Greene Genovese& Gluck P.C., where he was chair of the Automobile Franchise and DealershipLaw practice.

Among his recent engagements,Mr. McRory litigated the first case under the price discrimination provisionsof New York’s Franchised Motor Vehicle Dealer Act, in which the New YorkAppellate Division affirmed the trial court’s grant of summary judgment infavor of two dealers that certain incentive programs were unlawful. In anothercase of first impression, Mr. McRory defeated a motion to dismiss by a heavytruck manufacturer seeking to avoid liability under New York’s Dealer Actarising from the actions of its engine and power train subsidiary. He also hassuccessfully represented a group of dealers seeking damages caused by theaddition of a new dealership near their market areas.  

“With so many challengesfacing the auto sector, it is more important than ever to offer comprehensivelegal counsel,” said Los Angeles-based Automotive practice leader Aaron H. Jacoby.“We have built a robust practice that provides business advice on all facets ofthe industry. Russell is an exceptional addition to our group, having earnedthe respect of peers and clients.”

Mr. McRory has representedclients at state and federal trial and appellate courts, as well as before theUS Tax Court and Internal Revenue Service’s appeals office, and various realestate, zoning, land use, and environmental bodies. A graduate of FordhamUniversity School of Law, Mr. McRory earned his undergraduate degree fromGeorgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, specializing in Soviet andEast European studies. He was also a commissioned lieutenant in the US CoastGuard Reserve, where he was recognized with the Coast Guard Achievement Medaland Commandant’s Letter of Commendation.

Arent Fox’s Automotive practice– recognized as a national leader by Chambers USA – provides the roadmapclients need to navigate an industry in flux. Noted as a firm that is “thinkingoutside the box,” Arent Fox lawyers vigorously prosecute litigation that cannotbe avoided, engage in every form of transaction, and guide companies throughthe industry’s complex framework.

Arent Fox LLP, founded in 1942, is internationally recognized in core practiceareas where business and government intersect. With more than 350 lawyers, thefirm provides strategic legal counsel and multidisciplinary solutions toclients that range from Fortune 500 corporations to trade associations. Thefirm has offices in Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, DC.