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Greater Emphasis on Automation in Automotive Industry to Drive Investments for Dimensional Metrology

Powertrain and body-in-white applications fuel demand for inline metrology solutions

Rapid automation of automotive manufacturing plants isone of the key factors driving the demand for inline metrology solutions in theautomotive industry. Several powertrain and body-in-white manufacturers willreplace traditional, manual measurement solutions – such as coordinatemeasuring machines (CMMs) – with inline metrology solutions. Moving forward, ascompanies strive to gain a competitive edge by robotizing their manufacturingplants, end-to-end automated inline metrology will be a key solution demandedby leading automotive manufacturers.


New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, Analysis of theDimensional Metrology Market in the Automotive Industry, finds that the marketearned revenue of $949.2 million in 2013 and estimates this to reachapproximately $1,225.1 million in 2018.


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The fluctuating global economy coupled with an increasein gas prices continues to have an adverse impact on the automotive industryworldwide. Emerging economies, in particular, have had volatile marketconditions that have created concerns for companies in the automotive supplychain. This, in turn, has impacted investments toward dimensional metrologyequipment in these geographical areas.


“Fluctuating growth rates in the automotive industryalso reduce investment by end users in developed countries,” said Frost& Sullivan’s Measurement and Instrumentation Senior Research AnalystAravind Govindan. “For example, auto sales in Germany continued to fall byaround 4.1 percent in 2013; the pace of decline is gradually slowing, thoughlack of cheap credit facilities for automotive buyers hinders sales.”


Medium- and small-sized dimensional metrologymanufacturers even reduced the cost of their equipment in order to overcomethis challenge and boost sales, particularly in Asia-Pacific. While helpingthem stay competitive, it also had an adverse impact on profit margins andimpacted growth of the overall dimensional metrology market.


With growing interest in concepts such as “Industry4.0,” smart factories and zero defects, the trend toward automation isundeniable and continues to gain momentum. The inline metrology segment in theautomotive industry is likely to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR)of 12.2 percent until 2018. Dimensional metrology manufacturers will need toadapt its product development strategies to keep pace with the requirements ofits automotive customers.


Analysis of the Dimensional Metrology Market in theAutomotive Industry covers technology such as CMMs, optical digitizer andscanners, vision measuring machine, measurement gages and inline metrology.This research study is a part of the Measurement & Instrumentation ( Partnership Services program, which provides global Mega Trends,information on emerging markets and the latest technology innovations, market,economic, customer, competitive, and best practices research. This CEO 360degree perspective will enable your company to effectively plan your strategiesfor growth. All research services included in subscriptions provide detailedmarket opportunities and industry trends that have been evaluated followingextensive interviews with market participants.


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Analysis of the Dimensional Metrology Market in theAutomotive Industry