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Johnson Controls unveils industry-leading crash test facility allowing for standardized safety testi

Johnson Controls' new state-of-the-art crash test facility is now open at its Automotive Seating headquarters in Plymouth, Mich.

The 6,000-square-foot facility houses a Seattle SafetyServoSled that allows the automotive supplier to offer the most accurate,standardized safety testing of seats globally through collaboration with itsother testing facilities located in Burscheid, Germany; Changchun and Shanghai,China; and Yokohama, Japan.


“The investment in this new North American crashtest facility reinforces our commitment to innovation and technology as well asthe safety of our products,” said Jeff Williams, group vice president andgeneral manager of Johnson Controls Automotive Seating’s global Complete Seatand Supply Chain group.


“There are only 44 ServoSleds worldwide and only 10in the United States. Johnson Controls has one of the largest sled testingnetworks globally,” according to Williams.


 The new lab addressesincreasingly stringent and precise governmental seat safety specifications aswell as its customers’ expectations for a testing environment that meetsevolving industry standards.


As vehicle production is globalized, Johnson Controls ispositioned to consistently deliver global engineering, product development andvalidation to meet those needs. Global collaboration on validation methods andequipment ensures that similar results are achieved regardless of the testinglocation.


The new sled is a closed-loop system that allows JohnsonControls to monitor in real-time what is happening to the seat or seatcomponent as a test is being run.


Test results from the new equipment are extremelyaccurate, repeatable and predictable. Such high-precision tests enableengineers to gain insight into the stability and dynamic behavior of seatstructures, evaluate the effectiveness of head restraints in preventingwhiplash, and find potential areas for improvement.


About Johnson Controls:

Johnson Controls is a global diversified technology andindustrial leader serving customers in more than 150 countries. Our 170,000employees create quality products, services and solutions to optimize energyand operational efficiencies of buildings; lead-acid automotive batteries andadvanced batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles; and interior systems forautomobiles. Our commitment to sustainability dates back to our roots in 1885,with the invention of the first electric room thermostat. Through our growthstrategies and by increasing market share we are committed to delivering valueto shareholders and making our customers successful. In 2014, CorporateResponsibility Magazine recognized Johnson Controls as the #12 company in itsannual “100 Best Corporate Citizens” list. For additionalinformation, please visit


About Johnson Controls Automotive Experience:

Johnson Controls is a global leader in automotiveseating, overhead systems, door and instrument panels. We support all majorautomakers in the differentiation of their vehicles through our products,technologies and advanced manufacturing capabilities. With 240 locationsworldwide, we are where our customers need us to be. Consumers have enjoyed thecomfort and style of our products, from single components to completeinteriors. With our global capability, we supply approximately 50 million carsper year.