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One of the show stoppers at CES 2015 was presentations by Red Bend at the AT&T Developer Summit, as well as seeing Red Bend technology in action at a number of exhibition booths.

At the Developer Summit panel Red Bend’s Executive Vice President of Product, Strategy and Marketing Oren Betzaleli joined other panel members to discuss how they are working with manufacturers, suppliers, and developers to fine-tune the way connected vehicles operate.

With Red Bend’s vRapid Mobile®, OEMs and service providers can remotely manage the embedded software in cars throughout the lifetime of the vehicle. Firmware Over-the-Air (FOTA) solutions can “substantially” lower software-related warranty costs for OEMs and service providers, according to Red Bend. FOTA solutions also avoid the expensive direct and indirect costs associated with product recalls. vRapid Mobile is the fastest, safest and most reliable FOTA update client. It saves bandwidth costs by reducing the update file size by up to 97%, according to Red Bend.

HARMAN Industries acquired Israeli-based Red Bend Software in January 2014. “Building upon Red Bend’s strength in the mobile and carrier markets, HARMAN will accelerate Red Bend’s growth in the automotive space and will position Red Bend software as the de facto standard for OTA software services for mobile devices and automotive applications,” said the company in its announcement of the acquisition.

Red Bend technology could be seen in a number of booths at CES 2-15. The company demonstrated its virtualization system in the Qualcomm booth. And, in booth CP20 Red Bend’s over-the-air service was used to update Visteon’s OpenAir infotainment product that provides flexible in-vehicle connectivity. Red Bend’s solution will help update this advanced entertainment system, ensuring customers have the most up-to-date infotainment platform.

As part of Genivi’s 5th annual Demonstration Showcase, one of the largest automotive ecosystems events at the show, Red Bend showcased its end-to-end, secure over the air (OTA) Software Updating Service for the automotive industry.

Automotive Industries (AI) asked Betzaleli what were some of the issues the company highlighted at the AT&T Connected Car Summit at CES 2015.

Betzaleli: They included:

  • The acceptance of OTA services for firmware updates and software updates
  • How the interfaces and user experiences are changing in the connected car
  • How other connected services (wearables/smart homes) are being integrated into the connected car

AI: What are some of the challenges that need to  be addressed by all participants in the connected car eco-sphere?

Betzaleli: Choosing technologies that deal with the software tsunami need to enhance the driving experience and decrease bill of materials. For example – understanding why delta technology is better than compression technology to manage the software in the connected car.

AI: What do you see as the future of telematics in the automotive industry?

Betzaleli: The number of computers in a car (usually referred to as ECU, electronic control units) has been growing steadily over the past few years, and it’s expected to continue expanding in the coming years. New cars these days have more than 50 separate computers, with luxury cars reaching close to a hundred. Obviously, not all these computers are the same size, have the same complexity, or the same technology, but as the number of them grows, more and more commonality can be identified. The future of telematics will be in the management of all of these devices and how to do that while maintaining a positive and secure driving experience with a minimum bill of materials.

The connected car will enable OEMs to monitor and diagnose the car operation in a way that enables them to better serve customers. For example, send alerts on a problem, let the consumer know when a part is available at the dealer, plan updates better based on data gathered and use all information for big data analysis. In addition with the introduction of V2X, the OEM can also alert the consumer on risks and road issues.

AI: What are some of the unique features of Red Bend’s OTA update solutions that excite automotive companies?

Betzaleli: They include:

  • The world’s smallest update files for head unit, ECUs and telematics boxes enabling the fastest update time reducing network data costs
  • 100% failure-free on more than one million vehicle updates • FIPS-approved encryption security mechanism covering the entire update process
  • Quick integration and fast time-to-market • Full isolation between high priority and open operating systems
  • IP contamination protection between systems

AI: What are some of the reasons Garmin zeroed in on your OTA software updating solution?

Betzaleli: Our delta technology significantly reduces the update file size to shorten the update process and network costs. Updates can easily be downloaded while the system is running, and are tested and verified on the Garmin platform to ensure uninterrupted operation during and after the software has been  received and updated in the unit. Updates can be delivered using a built-in modem, Wi-Fi or the customer’s mobile device. All the software inventory and the update process is managed through a central server that can be connected to the OEM’s software lifecycle systems.

AI: In the same month as Garmin, Spireon chose your OTA software update solution as well – what were the reasons?

Betzaleli: Spireon chose Red Bend because of our known leadership position in the market as well as the technology reasons noted earlier – specifically the reliability of our software updates and the cost efficiency resulting from the small delta.