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Mobile Solution for Automotive Marketers to Target In-Market Consumers As They Are Shopping

Mobile Solution for Automotive Marketers to Target In-Market Consumers As They Are Shopping

DataMentors, LLC, a leading provider of Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) and Right Time Marketing, announced the launch of Relevate Signals, a solution for automotive dealerships to target actual, in-market consumers. Unlike traditional mobile marketing, which only targets the device, Relevate Signals is able to target the actual consumer during the crucial 48-72 hour period when they’re making a car buying decision.

“Relevate Signals is a revolutionary new product, completely different from traditional mobile marketing or lead products in the marketplace today,” said Anders Ekman, CEO of DataMentors.  “Marketers today target consumers by market segments and devices but Signals leads represent real people who are actively shopping at a dealer lot. Our innovative solution matches mobile devices to actual people complete with demographics, contact information, and VIN data.”

Relevate Signals is built from DataMentors’ family of Relevate data solutions, including Relevate Auto, the largest and most accurate VIN data set in the automotive industry.  Relevate Auto contains rigorously verified transactional data on over 225 million consumers and nearly 200 million VINS with linkage at the household and garage level.  The database contains full consumer profiles, demographics and contact information, and is fully compliant with all consumer privacy and auto privacy regulations including DPPA and Shelby Amendment. The file is built from over 6 billion records of data each month with daily updates.

“Mobile has completely transformed the car buying journey and we are extremely excited to provide dealerships with a unique mobile solution that will dramatically boost their ROI and conversions,” said Michelle Taves, SVP of Data & Product Management.  “With Relevate Signals, dealerships can finally gain insight into exactly which of their customers and prospects are visiting competing dealerships and which dealerships consumers are using for service.”

Specific use cases and results include:

    —  Dealer Visit Signal – Conquest: A person visiting a competing dealership within a specified radius of a dealership. Relevate Signals can identify over 3 million people annually visiting a competitor brand dealership.

    —  Dealer Visit Signal – Loyalty: A person visiting a common brand dealership within a specified radius of a dealership. Relevate Signals can identify over 1 million people annually visiting a dealership of the same brand.

    —  Service Signal: A person visiting a dealership for service within a specified radius of a dealership. Signals leads represent over 1.5 million people annually visiting a dealership for service. This indicates an opportunity to create service segments by dealership brand.

    —  Insurance Signal: A person visiting a dealership which indicates a possible auto insurance change. Relevate Signals can identify over 4 million people annually visiting a dealership in search of a new car.

Relevate Signals tracks over 20,000 dealerships across the United States with access to all major dealerships and across brands.  The database includes both independent and OEM dealerships.

For more information contact or call 1-800-523-7346.

About DataMentors

DataMentors is the industry’s leading provider of Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) and Right Time Marketing. Our comprehensive data solutions combine an integrated suite of data products, marketing technologies, and analytics to deliver: The Right Person, at the Right Moment, through the Right Channel. This makes us the Right Answer for clients seeking to grow, acquire, and retain their most profitable customers with cross-channel marketing strategies. We help companies leverage the modern data ecosystem and real-time data analytics to create a customized “always on” dataset of consumers where purchase is imminent. Recognized by Gartner for data quality for the past nine years, we provide the most powerful marketing data and technology services in the industry.