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OSS Nokalva ASN.1 Tools Selected for Vehicle Infrastructure Integration

After a thorough evaluation, the OSS ASN.1 Tools have been selected for use by the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) Consortium during the VII Proof of Concept.

The objective of the VII initiative is to increase the safety, efficiency, and convenience of the transportation system by providing a communications link between vehicles on the road, and between vehicles and the roadside infrastructure. The VII Consortium has been established to determine the feasibility of widespread deployment and to establish an implementation strategy. The Consortium consists of the vehicle manufacturers, the American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), ten State Departments of Transportation, and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).

VII is based on the widespread deployment of the Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) link. DSRC is a short-to-medium range wireless protocol specifically designed for automotive use. Information exchange between vehicles and roadside devices, as well as between vehicles, is based on SAE J2735 (DSRC Message Set Dictionary). SAE J2735 is an Intelligent Transportation Society (ITS) standard (under development), which supports interoperability among DSRC applications through the use of standardized message sets, data frames and data elements. The standard defines message formats in ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) and provides a foundation for a variety of applications such as vehicle safety, collision avoidance, emergency vehicle warnings, and many others. The OSS Nokalva ASN.1 Tools are used by the VII Consortium to develop applications which process these messages.

The VII vision is that vehicles will one day be equipped with onboard units that can communicate with units along the roadside and at intersections, as well as with other vehicles, to provide features such as crash avoidance and advanced transportation management.
Applications of this technology

— Roadside units transmit data to vehicles warning drivers that it is
not safe to enter an intersection.
— Vehicles, serving as data collectors, anonymously transmit traffic and
road condition information to transportation agencies who then implement
strategies to relieve traffic congestion.

“OSS Nokalva, Inc. is proud to be a part of this important project. Our ASN.1 Tools were chosen because of superior quality, performance, and technical support,” stated Rajul Gupta, OSS ASN.1 Product Manager.