Vehicle engineering specialists MIRA has announced the opening of a dedicated office to support the growth in EU research and development projects. The Brussels office ensures MIRA is better able to react to the evolving political landscape and deliver appropriate technology advice to policy makers.
MIRA’s involvement has been pivotal to the success of flagship EU projects that rely on low-carbon technologies and intelligent transport systems. Therefore, the company is augmenting its position by devoting additional resources to support transport innovation and research initiatives that are aligned to its corporate mission to engage with safe, rewarding and environmentally sound transport solutions.
MIRA’s CEO, Dr George Gillespie explained his rationale behind the investment: “I have a clear vision to grow our international business, and this is just one small step on that path. Opening this office places MIRA at the heart of Europe, which is right where we need to be to make a telling contribution to European transport agenda.”
MIRA has been an active collaborator in EU research programmes for decades; working to solve the major transport challenges of the day, through the appropriate use of technology. This existing knowledge base, underpinned with strategic internal investments, has ideally positioned the company to capitalise on the recent up-scaling of R&D in the fields of low carbon engineering and intelligent transport systems.
MIRA’s Collaborative R&D Business Development Manager, Gabrielle Cross enthused:”We’ve taken this step to extend our commitment to our European partners and provide a practical permanent base to host project meetings. We’re serious about Europe and have a lot to contribute; this lets our stakeholders know we’re here to stay.”
The Brussels office is the latest move in a sustained expansion plan that ensures MIRA is able to deliver world-class engineering services on the international stage. Outside the UK, offices throughout mainland Europe, Scandinavia, Turkey, India, Malaysia, Korea & China extend MIRA’s global reach, and support the delivery of engineering solutions across a range of transport technologies.
Brussels Office
Avenue d’Augerghem 22-28 Oudergemselaan
B-1040 Brussels,
Tel +32 (0)2 740.27.10
Fax +32 (0)2 740.27.20
About MIRA …
MIRA Ltd is the global development partner to the automotive and defence sectors. MIRA’s services encompass: vehicle design, development, certification & consultancy. A cornerstone of the industry, MIRA delivers tailored solutions ranging from turnkey vehicle design programmes, to individual tests. MIRA’s customer base includes the major vehicle manufacturers, their Tier 1 & 2 supply chain and other independent consultancies throughout most of the vehicle-producing world.
At the UK HQ, a core of over 400 dedicated employees fuse the benefits of 32 major development facilities with advanced design & modelling techniques to slash both development timescales and the requirement to build costly prototypes in quantity.
MIRA’s main development centre is concentrated into a highly secure 760-acre site in Nuneaton, Warwickshire. From this base and 9 others and around the globe, clients access a technically compelling service. Operating across the whole range of transport technologies, MIRA provides particular expertise in I.T.S., low carbon engineering, occupant and pedestrian safety, aerodynamics, thermal management, vehicle dynamics, NVH, electrical/electronic systems, powertrain integration and all aspects of durability.
MIRA is also responsible for the design and construction of numerous other proving grounds and major development centres worldwide. There can hardly be a more authoritative voice for the automotive industry.
MIRA has successfully delivered the following EU research programmes.
Acronym Title
RAPIDE Railway Aerodynamics for Passing and Interactions with Dynamic Effects
AVERT Adaptation of vehicle environmental performance by telematics.
PSN Passive Safety Network
EVPSN Enhanced Vehicle Passive Safety Network
PROSPER Project for Research On Speed adaptation Policies on European Roads
HASTE Human Machine Interface And the Safety of Traffic in Europe
DIRECT Diesel Reformation by Catalytic Technologies
DECADE Development and validation of a highly accurate emissions simulation tool capable of comparatively assessing vehicles under dynamic conditions.
SAFETRAM Passive safety for Tramways for Europe
SIBER Side Impact Dummy Biomechanics and Experimental Research
PRISM Proposed Reduction of car crash Injuries through improved SMart restraint development technologies
TrainSAFE TrainSAFE – Pooling Knowledge to Promote Rail Safety
Rollover Improvement of Rollover Safety for Passenger Vehicles
SAVE-U Sensors and system Architecture for VulnerablE road Users protection
RAISE Road and Air Safety Engineering
GEMCAR Guidelines for electromagnetic compatibility modelling for automotive requirements
EASIS Electronic architecture and systems engineering for integrated safety systems
SAFESPOT Co-operative systems for road safety “Smart vehicles on smart roads”
WATCH-OVER Vehicle-to-vulnerable road user cooperative communication and sensing technologies to improve transport safety
Safe Interiors Train Interior Passive Safety for Europe
Saferider Advanced Telematics for enhancing the safety and comfort of motorcycle riders
EE-VERT Reduced CO2 through energy management
EVITA Development of secure on-board electrical systems
TeleFOT Impacts of Safety Functions by Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles (IP)
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