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Kars4Kids has received generous fleet donations from such Fortune 1000 companies as Texas Instrument

What should you do with that old, dilapidated car that’s been creating an eyesore in your driveway for years? Before consigning it to the scrap heap, you should consider donating it to a good cause, such as one that helps children in need. One leading organization that takes your old vehicles and use the proceeds from either the whole car, or just parts, to help underprivileged children is Kars-4-Kids, a non-profit group that makes online auto donations simple. 

Kars4Kids makes the automobile donation process as easy as can be by offering an online donation form, free towing in 48 states, and maximum tax deductions on the donated automobile. In addition, the national charity offers free vacation vouchers to donors for nearly 40 destinations within the United States. 

As soon as potential donors fill out the online form, Kars4Kids arranges to get the vehicle picked up in 24 to 72 hours – and in all 48 states, towing is free. Plus the organization has experienced operators that man the phones 24 hours/day to make the donation process even simpler. Once the vehicle has been donated, donors receive a tax-deductible receipt as well as their vacation voucher! 

Kars4Kids raises money for Joy for Our Youth (or J.O.Y), a national organization dedicated to addressing the educational, material, emotional and spiritual needs of at-risk Jewish children and their families. 

As the J.O.Y. website explains, J.O.Y. distributes donated items, including food, clothing, home furnishings, toys and crafts through our own network, as well as other charitable organizations. In addition, we pay for children’s education, tutoring, summer camps, family mentoring, educational, and other support services. JOY is a registered national, 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, which was established in 2000.
J.O.Y’s primary focus is on children who, without intervention, are at high risk to experience failure, social challenges, depression and other factors that lead to anti-social, self-destructive behavior. By becoming actively involved in these children’s lives over the course of their school years, J.O.Y. equips them with the stability and success they need to build wholesome, functional families of their own, says the group. 

A strong core of several hundred volunteer mentors is the key to J.O.Y’s success. They act as counselors at J.O.Y-funded summer camps, as well as year-round friends and advisors, tutors and learning partners to the children. They serve as intermediaries when children face new challenges at school or at home, helping J.O.Y to channel the right help into each situation. 

Some of the recent recipients of J.O.Y.’s Educational Initiatives include: Music in Schools Today, Child2000, The Writing Conference, JEC of Elizabeth, Nefesh Academy, Oorah Inc., Earth Day Project, and Why We Are Special. 

Automotive Industries spoke to Clifford Meth, V.P. of Communications, at

AI: Do you accept corporate donations?

Absolutely, and we’re finding that part of our donor base growing.

AI: What can corporations donate?

Companies can keep us in mind for fleet donations. Kars4Kids has received generous fleet donations from such Fortune 1000 companies as Texas Instruments. Thinning a corporate fleet’s herd by getting rid of low end cars is an opportunity for a corporation to make a huge difference, enjoy a good PR opportunity, and receive a maximum tax deduction.

AI: How much will companies receive as tax deduction?

There is no simply or single answer to this, but rest assured it will be the maximum amount allowed by law…and worth their while.

AI: Will any expenses be incurred?


AI: What role can the automotive industry play to help organizations such as yours?

Helping create an awareness of the positive lifecycle of a vehicle is in everyone’s best interest. When a car is destined for the junk heap, it is in everyone’s best interest to go through a car-donation program like Kars4Kids where children will be the ultimate beneficiaries. Similarly, corporations are clearly better served by making an auto donation and receiving the twofold benefits of positive PR and a tax deduction than going through the rigors of selling a company vehicle. 

Editors note:  Visit – enjoy the catchy tune