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Conflict Minerals: Microsoft Skydrive seamlessly enables supply chain data gathering over the cloud

User feedback from deployment of the EICC-GeSi package for tracking conflict minerals across the supply chain points to cloud/desktop hybrid deployment of the package to be a seamless method for supply chain data gathering

User feedback on the deployment of the EICC-GeSi Version 2.0 package, which includes a template and dashboard offered tantalizing insights into the different ways in which it helped data interchange and monitoring of supplier compliance. One highlight is that using Microsoft’s Skydrive along with the EICC-GeSi template offered an easy method of cloud deployment of the EICC-GeSi template while the MRPRO dashboard sitting on a desktop or in at least one instance, a virtualized desktop, offered seamless aggregation, summarization, and monitoring of the supplier data. The EICC-GeSi Conflict Minerals template contains information specific to each supplier that declares the source of specified metals, including but not limited to smelters and mines. Papros Inc.’s flagship product MRPRO automates several tasks associated with completion of this template. An updated dashboard to accomplish this has been issued.

Dr. N. Nagaraj, Chief at Papros Inc., a leader in Green, had this to say, “EICC and GeSi really took a leadership role in the conflict minerals tracking. More specifically, in the EICC, Ms. Kirsty Stevenson of Apple, Mr. Jay Celorie of HP (Hewlett Packard), Mr. Jared Connors of Intel, Ms. Diane Fisher from HP, Mr. William Haas of Seagate, Ms. Michelle Lee of Qualcomm, put in the early effort, with Mr. Brian Martin of Seagate, a thought leader in sustainability also working for this framework, knowing about our prior offerings from Papros Inc. that could help in the effort. The resulting package really offers help to companies who would otherwise face a daunting task. The second version of the template and dashboard was based on one year of field deployment and data gathering and user feedback.”

About Papros Inc.: Papros Inc. has been committed to providing Total Environmental Management solutions to US and International companies. “Optimizing the Greenback and the Green Environment” has been the slogan of Papros Inc. since its inception more than twenty-three years back. Based in San Jose, California, Papros Inc.’s solutions span the entire spectrum of Environmental Management and feature tools to enable corporations worldwide to deploy and manage product environmental lifecycle data in a manner that is efficient, easy-to-use and economic to support the infrastructure needed for manufacturing, and for rapid changes in product design.