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Mechanical Simulation Introduces BikeSim 3.2 Vehicle Dynamics Software

Captures Bike Weave, Wobble and Chatter

Mechanical Simulation Corp. announces the release and availability of BikeSim 3.2 vehicle dynamics software.

One of the major new features of BikeSim 3.2 is its capability to “linearize” the vehicle math model to support classical analysis methods often used in simpler models. A common application for this feature is to identify vibration modes of the vehicle that can cause stability and safety problems.

In testing the new feature, Dr. Yukio Watanabe, chief developer of BikeSim, confirmed that BikeSim correctly captured familiar vibration modes called “weave” and “wobble.” However, he also found a vibration mode that has not been described in technical literature. After contacting motorcycle researcher and UK Professor Robin Sharp, Watanabe found that the vibration is a mode called “chatter” that affects MotoGP racing teams when operating at high speed and high cornering loads. Watanabe said, “The new LINEARIZE command is a breakthrough for detailed nonlinear simulation tools such as BikeSim. Although the vehicle is a complicated, nonlinear system, the new command can be applied multiple times during a simulated test to determine the effects of speed and other factors on motorcycle modes of vibration.”

Watanabe also noted that the math models include other extensions that have been requested by customers. There are several improvements in sensor ranging and detection, more options for the tire model, more options for chain drive configuration and more easily configured nonlinear table functions.

Dr. Michael Sayers, CEO and chief technology officer at Mechanical Simulation, said, “BikeSim 3.2 includes major improvements in the simulation environment that were introduced with the recent release of our CarSim software. BikeSim 3.2 brings spectacular visualization from the driving simulator world to engineers, using basic simulation to accelerate their evaluations of vehicle performance. It provides advanced controls of the playback, heads-up displays of any variables in the models, multiple simultaneous views and libraries of vehicles and proving ground areas developed by skilled video artists.”

Besides adding functions, BikeSim 3.2 includes many refinements to the user interface. As automotive engineers rely more on simulation for testing and development, many who do not have time to become experts in the details of simulation find themselves needing to work with simulation tools. Developers at Mechanical Simulation have simplified the interface for occasional users, while providing even more capabilities for advanced users.

For more information on this BikeSim release, visit

About Mechanical Simulation Corporation: Mechanical Simulation Corporation is a technology leader in the development and distribution of advanced software used to simulate vehicle performance under a wide variety of conditions. The company was established in 1996, and from its Ann Arbor, Mich., headquarters provides car, truck and motorcycle simulation packages, training and ongoing support to more than 90 OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers and over 160 universities and government research groups worldwide. For more information, visit