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Global Automakers Praises Governor Brown for Securing Funding for Hydrogen Stations in California

The Association of Global Automakers (Global Automakers) praises California Governor Edmund Brown for signing AB 8 (Perea) into law. AB 8 dedicates funding for hydrogen fueling infrastructure to support the commercialization of fuel cell vehicles in the State.

“Our members have embraced the challenge to dramatically increase fuel efficiency in their fleets and to bring zero emission vehicles to market,” said Gordon Fry, Global Automakers’ director of state relations. “The Governor’s support for securing financing to start building significant numbers of hydrogen fueling stations in California is critical to the success of fuel cell vehicles in California, providing consumers the necessary assurance that the infrastructure will be there to support these green technologies.”

AB 8 is the result of lengthy negotiations between the California Air Resources Board and various regulated industries to establish a path forward to achieve cleaner air and help meet California’s climate change goals. Global Automakers worked diligently to secure enactment of the bill. AB 8 dedicates funding for at least 100 publicly available hydrogen stations, with a commitment of $20 million a year (or 20% of available funds) until January 1, 2024.

“Fuel cells are just one of the many technologies our members are aggressively pursuing to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in order to protect the environment and lessen our nation’s reliance on fossil fuels,” said Fry. “We are happy that the Governor understands how critical the hydrogen fueling infrastructure is to the overall equation of improving air quality and addressing climate change.”

The Association of Global Automakers represents international motor vehicle manufacturers, original equipment suppliers, and other automotive-related trade associations. We work with industry leaders, legislators, and regulators to create the kind of public policy that improves vehicle safety, encourages technological innovation, and protects our planet. Our goal is to foster a competitive environment in which more vehicles are designed and built to enhance Americans’ quality of life. For more information, visit