ANSYS Inc. (NASDAQ: ANSS) users can now leverage NVIDIAgraphics processing units (GPUs) to speed up fluid dynamics simulation andquickly handle large, complex simulation models. Available for the first timewith ANSYS(®) Fluent(®) 15.0, the jointly developed GPU-accelerated commercialcomputational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver broadens support for NVIDIA GPUsacross the ANSYS simulation portfolio, building upon the previous success withGPU support in ANSYS(®) Mechanical(TM).
ANSYS’ technology leadership in HPC scale-up and NVIDIA’sbest-in-class hardware come together to augment traditional multi-core centralprocessing unit (CPU) parallel computing with GPU accelerator technology. Onecustomer taking advantage of this new solver is Parametric Solutions Inc.,which specializes in the design, manufacture, test and assembly of gas turbinecomponents and modules.
“By adding NVIDIA GPU accelerators, our engineerscut the time for typical ANSYS Mechanical models in half, doubled theperformance of maxed out CPU systems and often saved an entire day’s worth ofwork,” said David Cusano, chief technology officer and vice president ofParametric Solutions Inc. “Now, with support for GPU acceleration in ANSYSFluent 15.0, complex CFD simulations can be accelerated in a similar fashion,especially when paired with new, higher performance NVIDIA Tesla K40 GPUaccelerators. Our company is excited about the continued development of GPUs byNVIDIA and GPU acceleration in ANSYS.”
“ANSYS has worked with NVIDIA to make sure our jointcustomers can leverage cutting-edge GPU hardware for fluid dynamicssimulation,” said Barbara Hutchings, director of strategic partnerships atANSYS. “ANSYS is investing deeply in GPUs as an emerging and powerfultechnology, which is why ANSYS has expanded its GPU support with NVIDIA throughnew high-performance computing (HPC) licensing that takes advantage of both centralprocessing units (CPUs) and GPUs, and new GPU support from ANSYSelectromagnetic simulation solution, HFSS(TM) Transient. Customers can nowapply GPUs to speed up fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, andelectromagnetic simulations – expanding the value of ANSYS HPCcapabilities.”
“Customers get better, higher performancesimulations to address their most difficult computational challenges thanks toour close work with ANSYS,” said Andrew Cresci, general manager ofManufacturing Industries at NVIDIA. “By adding support for GPUacceleration in ANSYS Fluent, customers can run complex simulationsconsiderably faster, leading to higher quality and more efficient designs forplanes, cars, electrical devices and a range of other products.”
About ANSYS, Inc.
ANSYS brings clarity and insight to customers’ mostcomplex design challenges through fast, accurate and reliable engineeringsimulation. Our technology enables organizations ? no matter their industry ?to predict with confidence that their products will thrive in the real world.Customers trust our software to help ensure product integrity and drivebusiness success through innovation. Founded in 1970, ANSYS employs more than2,500 professionals, many of them expert in engineering fields such as finite elementanalysis, computational fluid dynamics, electronics and electromagnetics, anddesign optimization. Headquartered south of Pittsburgh, U.S.A., ANSYS has morethan 75 strategic sales locations throughout the world with a network ofchannel partners in 40+ countries. Visit www.ansys.comfor more information.
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