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Connected Car Market to Grow Almost 500% by 2018, Heavy Reading Finds

MNOs are dipping into the connected car market and expecting annual growth of greater than 40% through 2018, says Heavy Reading Mobile Networks Insider

The market for connected cars is growing rapidly, with anexpected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 41.2% between 2013 and 2018, andmobile network operators (MNOs) are jumping on the opportunity for new revenue streamsand enhancement of customer loyalty that comes with this growth, according tothe latest report from Heavy Reading Insider (,a subscription research service from Heavy Reading (


MNOs Hold the Keys to Success for Connected Cars examinesthe connected car market, analyzing how mobile network operators are likely tobecome involved in the connected car arena, as well as areas of growth expectedin the market over the next two years. It discusses drivers and challenges inthe industry and includes a comparative analysis of solutions available.Finally, it examines the geographic landscape of the market and details trendsthat are likely to occur in the industry over the next 18-24 months.


Here’s a list of companies covered in this report:


“Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications is closerto becoming a reality than many people realize,” says Denise Culver,research analyst with Heavy Reading Insider and author of the report. “Inmany cases, traffic and safety boards, as well as other governmental agencies,have recognized that enabling cars to ‘talk’ to one another, road signs andother pieces of the transportation ecosystem can decrease the number of trafficaccidents and, thus, fatalities on roadways each year.”


The total shipments of connected cars is expected to growat an estimated CAGR of 41.2 percent between 2013 and 2018, Culver says.”This will account for more than 50 percent of total global car shipmentsby 2018,” she continues. “Various connectivity solutions, such asLTE, 3G, Wi-Fi and HSPA, are being bundled with OEM manufactured cars, apartfrom the existing traditional connectivity such as Bluetooth and 2G.”


Key findings of MNOs Hold the Keys to Success forConnected Cars include the following:


    —  The ability to allow consumers to tethertheir existing smartphones to

        the carwill be the biggest driver over the next 18 months.

    —  Significant M&A activity is expected, astelematics software makers, app

        developersand systems providers will be snapped up.

    —  The transfer of data from the vehicle to thenetwork will very likely

        happen through mobile technology, viaeither traditional mobile phones

        and tabletsor hybrid in-vehicle systems.

    —  Flexible and cost-effective data plans areneeded to deliver connected

        services,and will need to scale with customers’ machine data


    —  The combination of new products, availablelines of credit and improving

        economicgrowth will continue to drive connectivity in cars in North



MNOs Hold the Keys to Success for Connected Cars isavailable as part of an annual single-user subscription (six issues) to HeavyReading Mobile Networks Insider, priced at $1,595. Individual reports areavailable for $900 (single-user license).


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Heavy Reading (,the research division of Light Reading, offers deep analysis of emergingtelecom trends to network operators, technology suppliers, and investors. Itsproduct portfolio includes in-depth reports that address criticalnext-generation technology and service issues, market trackers that focus onthe telecom industry’s most critical technology sectors, exclusive worldwidesurveys of network operator decision-makers that identify future purchasing anddeployment plans, and a rich array of custom and consulting services that giveclients the market intelligence needed to compete successfully in the globaltelecom industry.


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