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Committed to Better Life
Cutting edge auto technology on show

Cutting-edge automotive technology promising a better lifestyle for people coupled with the latest in vehicle design, live demonstrations of smart vehicles and a glimpse into the future of mobility will be on show at the 17th edition of the Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition (Auto Shanghai).

It will be hosted from April 19th to 20th 2017 for media; and for visitors from April 21st to 28th 2017 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai. The show is sponsored by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Shanghai and CCPIT Automotive Sub-Council, and organized by Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd.

Founded in 1985, the Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition is China’s first professional international automobile exhibition. It is held every two years and has grown to be one of the largest auto shows in the world. With more than 30 years of history, Auto Shanghai always reflects the latest changes and developments of global auto industry and focuses on the infinite possibilities that new technology, trends and products brought to human life, say the organizers. Automotive Industries (AI) asked Gu Chunting, vice chairman of CCPIT Shanghai and President of SIEC, to tell us about the choice of the Auto Shanghai 2017 theme – “Committed to Better Life”.

Chunting: Automobiles are no longer simply a mode of transport. They have effectively become a mobile tool that integrates smart home, smart grid and smart community while helping to build a low-carbon society. The future auto society is now emerging, and is helping the independent innovation and market potential of China’s auto industry to keep expanding. Following the theme of “Committed to Better Life,” the sponsors and organizers of the 17th Auto Shanghai will follow the service philosophy of “continuous and people-oriented innovation”, and will forge ahead with determination and blaze new trails say the organizers. As sponsors and organizers we will, as always, aspire to offering meticulous, considerate, efficient and perfect services and build Auto Shanghai into one of the most valuable and influential exhibition, launch and trading platforms of both the Chinese and global automotive industries.

AI: What new technologies / vehicles can visitors expect to see at the show in April 2017?

Chunting: Visitors will experience the leading edge of automotive science and technology. Auto Shanghai 2017 focuses on the three new trends of automotive industry, which are electric vehicles, intelligent vehicles, and networked vehicles. We will showcase the newest vehicle powered by electric, hybrid or other clean energy, such as solar, hydrogen and methanol, as well as the development of components and support infrastructure for the new generation of vehicles. The latest in the development of the intelligent technology which is transforming the car from merely providing transport to helping create better lives for people will be on show in exhibits of automotive electronics, dynamic intelligent assembly, and chassis and body control. Of interest will the new generation of intelligent smart cars which have decision making and control function.

We believe exhibitors at the show will amaze visitors by offering them a taste of the brand new lifestyle that is the product of continuous innovation by the automotive industry. They will find out about mobility in the “Internet +” era”.

AI: The Auto Shanghai 2015 saw a record breaking number of visitors – what kind of response are you expecting for the 17th edition event?

Chunting: The event is expected to attract one million visitors, 3,000 media agencies and more than 10,000 reporters. It’s foreseeable that next year’s Auto Shanghai summit will present more surprises to the world. We will be exploring the cutting edge of technology and the thinking behind mobility and “a better life”. In addition Auto Shanghai provides a forum where well-known experts, executives and government officials can meet to discuss issues such as strategy and technological innovation.

AI: Give us an idea of how the Chinese automotive manufacturing industry is embracing new technologies in terms of clean energy vehicles.

Chunting: China has overtaken the USA as the largest new energy vehicle market. We will also be showcasing the smart cars, mobile internet, self-driving cars and other emerging technologies which will also be important issues for the future development of automobiles. China has identified the automotive industry as one of its core industries and is striving to improve the competitiveness of its domestic production. China aims to reach its ambitious goals by relying on well-positioned market leaders as well as on technologically strong suppliers and thus offers further growth opportunities especially for European companies.

AI: How important has it been to China to reduce fuel emissions from cars and how have OEMs responded to this directive?

Chunting: Auto Shanghai 2017 will focus on the topics of “alternative drive systems” and “autonomous driving” or “connected cars”. Especially in the giant, booming cities of China, alternative drive systems for vehicles play an important role. To improve the air quality in spite of increasing car sales, China needs immediate alternatives for vehicles with internal combustion engines.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in China already subsidizes the purchase of so-called “New Energy Vehicles”. Currently, public users (like urban transport, taxis and logistics companies as well as public authorities) are mainly equipped with vehicles that have the new technology.

According to Dong Yang, the Vice President of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), autonomous driving cars should already be common in China as soon as the year 2030. This means that, together with the United States, China will be one of the leading markets for driverless driving.

AI: How will Auto Shanghai 2017 reflect this?

Chunting: China still leads the ranking of the largest car markets in the world. It also wants to be at the head of the pack for the trending topics of electric mobility and autonomous driving. The exhibition itself will also use new technology to improve the experience of visitors and exhibitors alike. We aim to ensure that Auto Shanghai 2017 will allow visitors to experience and understand how automotive advances are leading to a better life.