Automotive manufacturers, use all the chrome finishes you like, without any environmental concerns. Lewis Environmental Services introduces the ENVIROCLEAN PLATING on PLASTIC PROCESS (EC-POP). The patented process unlocks ABS plating on plastic with heavy metal solution recovery (copper, nickel and chromium) and high purity water recycling back to the plant. Lewis’ patented two-step process, combines proprietary treated filter media and heavy metal solution recovery to process ABS POP waste. Unlike other plastic plating waste treatment schemes, the EC-POP Process does not use metibisulfite or precipitation chemicals with zero sludge generation and meets EPA discharge limits. Total dissolved solids levels (TDS) are lower after EC-POP processing enabling ultra filtration and significant water savings.  Automotive finishing plant effluent can be recycled, reducing the client’s water bill as much as 50% and reduce water purchases and sewer charges!   The process provides 100% throughput, no waste generated on-site; so no need to worry about waste disposal. The system can treat single as well as multi-component metal bearing streams from 5 to 1000 gpm. The ENVIRO-CLEAN PLATING on PLASTIC PROCESS can process streams from the following operations: automotive, aerospace and  electroplating
For additional information contact: Lewis Environmental Services, Inc. www.lesvc.comÂ
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