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Augmentus: Revolutionizing Industrial Robotics – A Deep Dive into No-Code Programming, Vision Technologies, and Global Expansion Strategies with Yong Shin Leong

In the ever-evolving landscape of the automotive industry, the integration of cutting-edge technologies is reshaping traditional paradigms. Augmentus, a trailblazer in the field of industrial robotics, is revolutionizing the way robots are programmed, ushering in a new era of efficiency and cost-effectiveness. In an exclusive interview with Yong Shin Leong, Co-founder of Augmentus, we delve into the transformative impact of Augmentus’ no-code robotics software on reducing programming time and cutting costs.


Leong begins by painting a vivid picture of the conventional challenges in robot programming – time-intensive processes, hefty financial investments, and a reliance on specialized programmers and proprietary languages. Augmentus, however, disrupts this norm. Leong unveils the patented vision technologies embedded in their system, allowing robots to scan workpieces with submillimeter accuracy. The real game-changer lies in the simplicity of operation – operators need only select surfaces and edges, and the system automatically generates optimal robot motion and tool paths. This innovation slashes robot downtime from a staggering 4 weeks to a mere 15 minutes, simultaneously reducing costs and eliminating the need for extensive training.


As the conversation progresses, Leong sheds light on Augmentus’ strategic approach to capitalize on the projected growth of the industrial robotics software market. The company is not merely planning; it is actively executing expansion strategies, including establishing a US office and launching the Augmentus Experience Centres globally. Leong emphasizes their commitment to staying at the forefront of industry growth, constantly refining their vision-based system to cater to a broader range of applications.


The interview further explores the intricacies of Augmentus’ technology, integrating 3D scanning, no-code micro-adjustability, and automated code generation in industrial robotics programming. Leong explains how these elements seamlessly come together to simplify programming, leveraging AI engines and an intuitive user interface to empower operators with unprecedented control over robot motion and adjustments.


Augmentus’ commitment to collaboration is exemplified in the Augmentus System Partner (ASP) program, designed for System Integrators and Solution Providers. Leong details the advantages of this program, emphasizing the mutual benefits for partners and Augmentus in addressing challenges within the robotics ecosystem.


The discussion also touches on the crucial aspect of compatibility with various robotic systems, with Augmentus boasting compatibility with over ten major robot OEMs. Leong assures seamless integration through a standardized interface, rigorous testing, and adaptability to diverse robot specifications.


In a strategic move, Augmentus has forged partnerships with Sierra Ventures and Cocoon Capital. Leong highlights the significance of these partnerships, going beyond financial backing to include industry expertise, strategic guidance, and ongoing support in business development and operational strategies. These collaborations, according to Leong, are integral to Augmentus’ growth and the realization of its visionary goals in the industrial robotics sector.


Automotive Industries: How does Augmentus’ no-code robotics software work in reducing programming time and cutting costs?


Yong Shin Leong: Well, imagine this – conventional robot programming takes a considerable amount of time and money, often relying on specialized programmers and proprietary languages. Augmentus eliminates all of that. Our patented vision technologies allow the robot to scan the workpiece with submillimeter accuracy. The operator then simply selects surfaces and edges, and our system automatically generates the optimal robot motion and tool path. This reduces robot downtime from 4 weeks to under 15 minutes, cutting costs and eliminating the need for extensive training.


Automotive Industries: How does Augmentus plan to capitalize on the projected growth of the industrial robotics software market?


Yong Shin Leong: We’re not just planning; we’re already executing our strategies. We’re expanding outside Singapore and establishing a US office by the end of the year. Our ASP program is a major growth initiative, aiming to have 10 Augmentus Experience Centres across 5 countries soon. And we’re constantly improving our vision-based system to cater to a broader range of applications. The goal is to be at the forefront of the industry’s growth.


Automotive Industries: How does Augmentus integrate 3D scanning, no-code micro-adjustability, and automated code generation in industrial robotics programming?


Yong Shin Leong: Augmentus brings multiple technologies together to simplify industrial robotics programming. We use 3D scanning to create a digital twin of the work environment in seconds. Our AI engine generates complex robot motion without coding expertise, and our intuitive UI allows operators to make precise adjustments easily. The system then automatically generates code based on the optimal path, reducing the time and expertise needed for programming.


Automotive Industries: Could you elaborate on the Augmentus System Partner (ASP) program and its role in expansion plans?


Yong Shin Leong: Absolutely! The ASP program is designed for System Integrators and Solution Providers to build turnkey robot stations for our supported applications. Partners get significant reseller discounts, marketing opportunities, and lead generation support. This collaboration not only helps us address pain points in the fragmented robotics ecosystem but also provides valuable data for enhancing our product across various industries.


Automotive Industries: How does Augmentus ensure seamless integration with various robotic systems, given compatibility with over ten major robot OEMs?


Yong Shin Leong: We’ve got it covered. Augmentus ensures seamless integration through a standardized interface compatible with multiple robot OEMs. Before integration, we rigorously test and validate compatibility across different robot models. Our software is engineered to be adaptable and flexible, accommodating the specifications of each robot brand. This compatibility offers customers flexibility in choosing the best-suited robot without concerns about software compatibility, leveraging existing infrastructure and streamlining deployment.


Automotive Industries: How does Augmentus plan to leverage Sierra Ventures’ expertise and Cocoon Capital’s ongoing support?


Yong Shin Leong: It’s more than just funding. Sierra Ventures brings in-depth industry knowledge and strategic guidance, especially for navigating the US market. Their network and insights are invaluable. Cocoon Capital, our long-term partner, continues to support us in business development and operational strategies. Together, these partnerships are integral to our growth and advancement in realizing our vision.