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International Green Money Conference in Moura, Portugal

AVEC Chairman to Deliver One of the Keynote Speeches at the International Green Money Conference in Moura, Portugal

AVEC Chairman has been invited and has accepted to present one of the keynote speeches at the International Green Money Conference on November 12-15, 2009 in Moura, Portugal.

Samuel Higgins, AVEC Chairman, will be delivering a formal address to the worldwide delegations. The event is going to be the first summit that will bring together the largest companies in the world that produce green products, recycling services, and sustainable processes. Environmental Networking Group and International Green Summit Inc., who have been fundamental in putting together green projects along with funding around the world, are conference organizers. The conference consists of keynote speakers, a 10-person panel of international scientist, investors, educational workshops, networking events and collaborative seminars. The objective is to network investors, political leaders, and innovators of tomorrow’s technology to unify financial solutions for a greener tomorrow.

Michael Padurano, founder of the International Green Summit, stated, “The entire world has awareness now of the importance of our environment and lowering energy cost simultaneously while creating new clean energy sources. AVEC is uniquely in the position of doing it all and we are pleased to present all of these to the world in
Portugal this November 12th to 15th.”

FOX News recently aired AVEC on their Global News Group Program “Special Edition TV,” with Ms. Ileana Bravo interviewing representatives from AVEC at their first United States based live demonstration of the “axial flux” and GENSET technology power generating system.

Ms. Bravo commented, “The fact that this engine runs on bio-based oil as fuel is significant in several ways. Palm oils that are totally renewable fuel sources can be harvested from our earth’s equatorial regions providing needed jobs and social development. Developing countries in these regions can now enter the world economic stage as a viable and important player. The environmental impact of using palm oil as a fuel source is minimal, and this fuel source is one that you can literally drink. That is amazing.” To view the video, please visit

The revolutionary Axial Vector Engine is AVEC’s flagship technology and will serve as the core of the company’s initial market applications. This incredibly powerful, lightweight, and highly efficient radial-design engine is capable of producing significantly higher horsepower and torque with considerably lower fuel requirements than is the case for conventional engines of similar size. At the same time, the Axial Vector Engine is less costly to manufacture and operate, and provides significant environmental advantages over standard internal combustion engines.

In addition to its engine technologies, AVEC has designed a revolutionary new family of high-power “Axial Flux” coreless electric generators that reach 98.5% efficiency in converting mechanical to electric energy. AVEC’s Axial Vector Engine is designed to be seamlessly integrated with two 100 kW Axial Flux generators in order to create a 200 kW generator set (GENSET) that is expected to become AVEC’s first commercially marketed product.

Samuel Higgins, AVEC Chairman of the Board of Directors, stated, “We are scheduled to introduce our new products and partners of commercialization for our existing products at this conference and in order to have this prestigious platform to do so.”

About Axial Vector Energy Corporation

Axial Vector Energy Corporation (AVEC) is a global solutions provider that owns, develops, invest in and licenses revolutionary technologies including, internal combustion engine and electric power generator technologies that have unlimited potential in military, industrial and commercial applications. AVEC and its partners are positioned to become unrivalled leaders in international engine and energy markets with technologies that produce more efficient, cost effective, environmentally sensitive and versatile solutions for use in a wide variety of important applications around the world.

About Moura, Portugal

Moura is one of the most environmentally and sustainable regions in the world. Portugal is the home to the largest hydroelectric dam in Europe and the largest photovoltaic solar field in the world. Moura is a leader in implementing ecologically minded economic infrastructure and is pleased to highlight these technologies to countries around the world.