An ENI petroleum refiner with 85 refineries world wide, working with UOP, the largest provider of refining technology and hardware have made it known that production of bio diesel will Start in 2014 at 100 million gal/yr of unique organic based diesel fuel developed by Ensyn, Montreal Canada. First production will be at ENI’s Venice, Italy refinery(WWW.UOP/ENI.COM). UOP indicated last year that the plan is to produce 800 million gal/yr by 2017 for the U.S market and another 800 million gal/yr off-shore.
Key qualities of the new fuel are GHG emissions reduced 80% vs. petroleum. Cetane of 80 is substantially better than petroleum product.
Developers of the technology believe that changing over existing refineries will be easier and less expensive than for many of the other proposed new fuels. In a report dated November, 2012, UOP and ENI announced plans to start production of RTP(rapid thermal processing) diesel fuel initially at ENI’S Venice, Italy refinery.. Although the report was made available this past November it was not widely circulated. Data in the report indicates the RTP process was initially developed by Ensyn Technologies, Montreal, over a period of 25 years.
Ensyn RTP (rapid thermal process) diesel fuel is derived from pulverized organic material rapidly heated by the RTP process by mixing with 500C special sand which is said to produce a crude oil in less than 2 seconds. after the sand is separated, the crude bio oil is refined followed by hydroprocessing to increase its cetane level. Used as motor fuel, the RTP fuel is said to produce exhaust GHG emissions levels nearly 80% less than petroleum. The near term Euro requirement is to cut average GHG CO2 from all energy sources by 20% as of 2020. Blending with conventional fuel to average down market fuel emissions is expected.
Aside from UOP, ENI and Ensyn, the list of organizations participating in the development of RTP fuel and raw material supplies include DOE National Renewable Lab, Northwest National Lab, Ceres, Cargill, GM, Kern Oil, Grays Harbor Paper Company, Boeing, H.R. Bio petroleum Growth, Michigan Tech, Imperium, Tesaro, Country Mark and the Finnish Oil company Oy.
The FTP technology is targeted also for future use as gasoline and JetA with low GHG emissions. It is now being produced without refining as boiler fuel.
Unavailable for this report is logistical information about gathering, processing, transporting and cost of the organic raw material which will surely be different in
various parts of the World. In order to keep pace with the huge quantities of organic raw material needed, all aspects of plant growth and yield will take on new importance.
One aspect is the opportunity to reduce forest fires by improved “cleaning” of forests. It will also be noticed that what the RTP system achieves in less than 2 seconds is about the same as conversion of organic material to petroleum in the ground that normally requires thousands or millions of years.
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