A breakthrough in battery technology for cellphones and other mobile devices could be the “killer app” that opens up the market for electric vehicles. Developed by Atlanta, Georgia – based 27th Century Technologies, the Maxergy™ Battery is described as a perpetual motion battery which will go into commercial production in mid- 2013. “We use a lithium air which is charged inside the battery using electrons. This technology will be transferable to mobile radios toys laptops, tablets, electric vehicles and all mobile devices that use rechargeable batteries, medical equipment and of, course automotive. Oil will be a thing of the past and all man-made energy will be eliminated.
Our environment will be cleaned up and all the eye sores such as cell towers gasoline stations electric power sites with transformers will also be gone. Our planet will for the first time in our history will be a joy for all of us to see thanks to the perpetual motion battery,” says the company. 27th Century Technologies says that the battery will not be marketed as a battery replacement, but as a component of the modern human life cycle. “We expect it to run longer than the user who acquires it will live. Our objective is to give the corporate world local, state or federal government the opportunity to acquire our cell phone system. It will make their lives simpler by eliminating the hassle that comes from always having to charge their cell phone. The need to carry adapters and have to remember that if their cell phone is in need of a charge will be something from the past,” says the company. The company was founded in 1995 with the vision of developing superior self-charging batteries that “would replace batteries in battery-intensive and problematic worldwide markets”. It has launched an aggressive marketing drive for its Maxergy™ Battery in fiscal 2013. It believes that it can sell over 48 million units in the year.
Initially 27th Century Technologies plans to target the cell-phone industry, but says it sees great potential in other markets such as automotive manufacturing, food processing, construction, and telecommunications. 27th Century Technologies says it is dedicated to designing earth friendly green products. The company’s focus is on renewable energy for today and future needs. It aims to address the world’s energy problems by implementing innovative power technologies and improvements to existing electric transmission infrastructure. “Our technology will also enable new market segments to be born where power infrastructure does not exist,” says the company. It is raising the initial US$30 million required to bring the Maxergy™ Battery to full-scale manufacturing. The company’s projections are that it could achieve revenues of US$24 billion in a few years. “Consumers are becoming more ‘green’ and are looking for ways to do so. Take for instance, the growth in the market for rechargeable batteries, electric vehicles and so on. 27th Century Technologies is in the best position to give the consumers what they want,” says the company. The company’s founder, chairman and chief inventor is Neil Chernoff, who has been in the battery industry since 1988. He has been making pulse charging battery systems using a negative pulse since 1995.
Now his focus is on developing advanced high capacity self-charging batteries for electronic vehicles, portable computers and hand-held electronic devices for both military and commercial applications. The company says it is committed to the continuing design, development, patenting and licensing of power generation, energy management, and energy conservation technologies and to the development of the many commercially profitable products that will incorporate these technologies. According to Chernoff, 27th Century Technologies is particularly proud of its talent pool. It has recruited the best talent from major universities and nationally recognized leaders in their chosen field. To reduce the upfront capital and the delay in scaling up and to maximize the return on investment, it has adopted the virtual enterprise model, where only essential core competencies are kept in-house, while leveraging existing best in class, infrastructure through strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions and sales channels.
Automotive Industries (AI) asked Chernoff how successful the company has been in raising funds to start large-scale manufacturing of Maxergy™.
Chernoff: We raised US$5 million in a week, and we are looking to investors in the next couple of weeks for a $25-$50 million investment with an eye on a government contract that would give us $50 million which will lead to a sole source contract. We also have a $460 million bond in the works that will catapult the production of our power tool, cell phone, two-way radio, laptop, tablet and electric vehicle batteries.
AI: Are you on track to commercially launch the product mid-2013?
Chernoff: Yes. All products will be available by the end of 2013 which includes the electric vehicle conversion kit battery
AI: When do you see Maxergy™ making inroads into the electric vehicle market?
Chernoff: By the end of 2013.
AI: Tell us a little about your future projections for the automotive sector.
Chernoff: We are going supply electric conversion kits for all combustible gas and hybrid vehicles under license to the major manufacturers. This will eliminate most of our dependency on oil (foreign or domestic) and certainly restore our planet’s climate integrity in ceasing the effects of global warming.
AI: What will be the main factors persuading the OEMs to adopt your technology?
Chernoff: The automotive industry will see a surge in production, which translates into revenue. They will be manufacturing conversion kits for every model vehicle they produce, which gives them the potential to generate additional revenue for every vehicle they have sold and that is still on the road. Automotive manufacturers will have their hands full keeping up with new vehicle production and manufacturing conversion kits. Our unemployment rate will certainly decline.
AI: What makes your battery technology different and/ or better for EVs as compared to others? For example, IBM’s soon-to-be launched “lithium air” that promises more storage capacity?
Chernoff: The consumer will never have to worry about charging their electric vehicle or stopping at a gas station to refuel. Our perpetual motion battery is the most critical element in the conversion kits. Because of this, the user should be able to maximize its use without ever worrying about replacing. What vehicles today do that?
AI: You have many decades in the IBM world – how seriously do you view their product as competition to Maxergy™.
Chernoff: IBM does not possess any competition. But, their lithium technology isn’t due for another 10 years. Our lithium air battery exists now. In addition, it is perpetual motion. They don’t have anything like that.
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