InfinityQS International, Inc., the global authority on Manufacturing Intelligence and enterprise quality, today announces the release of its eBook, the “Zen Guide to Manufacturing Intelligence.” As it leads manufacturing professionals down the path to an enlightened look at quality metrics, this eBook provides insight into how to use reporting, statistical analysis, visual summaries and Manufacturing Intelligence to attain more value from operational data. To download the eBook, visit: http://www.infinityqs.com/ZenGuide/PR.
The Zen Guide to Manufacturing Intelligence takes readers through five steps, or consciousness levels, of the journey towards data-driven wisdom:
• Awareness: Focus on improving processes, rather than simply pass/fail data and product quality, through actionable intelligence.
• Interception: Intercept out-of-spec processes upstream and make corrections to prevent downstream consequences.
• Connectivity: Automate real-time data collection and integrate data points to take immediate corrective action as issues arise.
• Enlightenment: Use data to not only improve processes, but to make more strategic business decisions that cut costs and increase efficiencies.
• Nirvana: Achieve one point of complete consciousness and control with a Manufacturing Intelligence hub that assimilates quality data into a single repository, allowing manufacturers to understand and monitor supply chain interdependencies at all levels of the organization.
Steve Wise, vice president statistical methods, InfinityQS, said, “Most manufacturers know the importance of data collection, but many do not completely understand how to use that information beyond the shop floor. The goal of our ‘Zen Guide to Manufacturing Intelligence’ eBook is to show manufacturers that quality metrics can do much more than determine if a product passes or fails on the assembly line. With the right technology, manufacturers can use quality data to discover ways to reduce costs and gain new efficiencies that will ultimately benefit the company as a whole.”
Related Links:
Download the eBook, “Zen Guide to Manufacturing Intelligence”: http://www.infinityqs.com/ZenGuide/PR
InfinityQS International: http://www.infinityqs.com
InfinityQS International’s eBook library: http://www.infinityqs.com/resources/white-papers
About InfinityQS International, Inc.
InfinityQS International, Inc.® is the global authority on Manufacturing Intelligence and enterprise quality. The company’s manufacturing quality software, ProFicient, delivers real-time visibility from the shop floor, across the enterprise and into the supply chain, allowing top manufacturers to take control of quality. Powered by a centralized statistical process control (SPC) engine, ProFicient manufacturing quality software leverages Manufacturing Intelligence to help global manufacturers improve product quality, decrease costs, maintain compliance and make smarter, data-driven business decisions. Headquartered in Fairfax, Va., and founded in 1989, InfinityQS now services more than 40,000 active licenses with over 2,500 of the world’s top manufacturers including Kraft Foods, Ball Corporation, Boston Scientific, Graham Packaging and Medtronic. For more information, visit www.infinityqs.com.
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