Oberthur Technologies, a world leader in digital securitysolutions for the mobility space, and FICOSA an automotive systems and partssupplier, will demonstrate at Mobile World Congress 2014 in Barcelona, acomplete emergency call system for the automotive Russian market (ERA GLONASS¹).
The ERA GLONASS system is the Russian equivalent of theEuropean eCall system. The ERA GLONASS regulation is planned to be implementedin Russia from January 2015. According to studies of the National Entity ofRussian Navigation (NISS) it is intended to reduce emergency services’time-to-arrival by up to 30%, saving up to 4,000 additional lives every year.
The emergency system inside the vehicle consists of atelematic unit (iVTU, in Vehicle Telematic Unit) that incorporates a specialSIM card (DIM® ERA GLONASS) as well as a user interface module (HMI).
The system allows, with the DIM® ERA GLONASS installed inthe telematic module made by FICOSA, to have a GLONASS profile for theemergency call and a commercial profile for telematics services. The swap ofthe profile is made in few seconds in accordance with local regulations. FICOSA,as a top-tier provider in the automotive industry, and Oberthur Technologies aworld leader in digital security solutions for the mobility space will showthis innovation on the CLARA platform (HMI and telematic systems) with DIM® ERAGLONASS.
“The safety systems and emergency services arefundamental to save lives on the road. As suppliers of components forautomotive, all the technology that makes reference to move forward in thisfield is our focus. The governments have the last word for the systemsimplementation as ERA GLONASS or eCALL. Our work is to anticipate of theirregulations, giving support to the entities that define them and taking partactively in the configuration of the solutions. CLARA is the result not only
of the definition of the system, but the demonstration ofits functionalities. This work is possible thanks to the good position ofFICOSA in the M2M (Machine to Machine) market with its technological patentsand the collaboration with other strategic industrial partners such Oberthur Technologiesâ€,in the words of Josep Maria Forcadell, Director of the Advanced Communications Unitof FICOSA.
“Car telematic services and emergency systems will offermajors benefits to drivers around the world and in Russia in particular. OTprovides innovation matching worldwide regulations. The DIM® ERA GLONASS hasbeen specifically designed to facilitate the implementation of these innovativeservices by mobile networks operators, car makers and telematic serviceproviders. The DIM®ERA GLONASS combined with the CLARA platform from Ficosa ishelping the entire industry moving forward†said Edward Simonet, M2M Business Director atOT.
ERA GLONASS¹: Government accident emergency responsesystem in Russia with GLONASS technology for enhancing transportation safety
OT is a world leader in digital security solutions forthe mobility space. OT has always been at the heart of mobility, from the firstsmart cards to the latest contactless payment technologies which equip millionsof smartphones. Present in the Payment, Telecommunications and Identitymarkets, OT offers end-to-end solutions in the Smart Transactions, MobileFinancial Services, Machine-to-Machine, Digital Identity and Transport &Access Control fields. OT employs over 6 000 employees worldwide, including 600R&D people. With more than 50 sales offices across 5 continents and 10facilities, OT’s international network serves clients in 140 countries. Formore information: www.oberthur.com
FICOSA is an industrial group based in Spain and a globalleader in research, development, production and marketing of automotive systemsand parts. Founded in 1949, the company, with headquarters in Barcelona (Spain),holds a team close to 8,500 employees and manufacturing plants, technologicalcentres and offices located throughout 19 countries in Europe, North America,South America and Asia. The Group invests 4% of its income in R&D, andoperates one of the top technology development centres in Spain addressed tothe automotive, electronics, energy and communications industries. FICOSA has
positioned itself for the future as a world leader inelectronic systems with a global and more diversified business agenda and anexpanded added value product line. For more information: www.ficosa.com
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