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Yokogawa develops multi-protocol wireless adaptor

Yokogawahas developed a multi-protocol wireless adaptor that enables wired fieldinstruments or analytical sensors to be used as ISA100 WirelessTM devices, andwill release models in May and July that support communications based on theHART® and RS485 Modbus standards. To facilitate the introduction of fieldwireless systems in plants, Yokogawa plans to release additional models thatwill cover other standards.


Fieldwireless systems enable the field devices and the host-level monitoring,control, and other systems in a plant to communicate wirelessly with eachother. They have numerous advantages such as allowing the placement of fieldinstruments or analytical sensors in difficult-to-wire locations, eliminatingthe need for cables to connect devices, and costing less to install. Inaccordance with its “Wireless Anywhere” concept, Yokogawa is seeking to promotethe plant-wide use of field wireless systems by developing ISA100 Wirelessdevices such as this multi-protocol wireless adaptor.


When themulti-protocol wireless adaptor is mounted on a wired field instrument oranalytical sensor, the instrument or sensor is able to function as an ISA100Wireless device. It may be used with any type of wired field instrument oranalytical sensor commonly used in plants, including those used to monitortemperature, pressure, liquid level, or vibration, or to detect gas, and iscompatible with both Yokogawa devices and devices from other vendors. By givingcustomers a greater range of field instruments and analytical sensors to choosefrom, Yokogawa expects that this multi-protocol wireless adaptor will greatlyfacilitate the introduction of field wireless systems.

The firsttwo models are intended for wired HART and RS485 Modbus communications, both ofwhich are widely used in plants. Yokogawa plans to release models that arecompliant with other wired field communications standards such as FOUNDATIONTMfieldbus and PROFIBUS.

The batteryin the multi-protocol wireless adaptor can also power the field instrument oranalytical sensor, eliminating the need for wiring. As with other Yokogawafield wireless devices, the multi-protocol wireless adaptor uses alarge-capacity lithium-ion battery, and this is able to power both themulti-protocol wireless adaptor and the field instrument or analytical sensorfor a long time. An indicator on the host system shows the estimated remainingdays of battery life.

Anall-weather model type that is waterproof and dustproof and anexplosion-protection type that can be used in the presence of inflammable gasesare scheduled to be released.

Majortarget markets include industries such as oil & gas, LNG, refining,petrochemicals, chemicals, power, pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, foods, andiron and steel.

Yokogawawill demonstrate this multi-protocol wireless adaptor at the ARC Industry Forumto be held from the 10th to 13th February in Orlando, Florida, USA.

Yokogawa’sapproach to field wireless communications

Yokogawareleased the world’s first ISA100 Wireless system devices and wireless pressureand temperature transmitters in July 2010. In addition to enablingsophisticated control techniques in continuous processes, this gave customers awider range of devices to choose from. In July 2012, Yokogawa released areliable, large-scale field wireless system for use in plants, and is nowexpanding the range of suitable monitoring and control applications forwireless technologies and devices. 

In additionto being highly reliable, suited for a wide range of applications, andexpandable, ISA100.11a is compatible with wired communications standards suchas FOUNDATION fieldbus, HART, and PROFIBUS. The International ElectrotechnicalCommission (IEC) is currently considering the adoption of the IEC62734standard, which is based on ISA100.11a.

In linewith the “Wireless Anywhere” concept, Yokogawa will continue to expand itslineup of ISA100 Wireless solutions and promote the use of field wirelesstechnologies.

ISA100WirelessTM is a technology that is based on the ISA100.11a standard. Itincludes ISA100.11a-2011 communications, an application layer with processcontrol industry standard objects, device descriptions and capabilities, agateway interface, infrared provisioning, and a backbone router. 

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Yokogawa’sglobal network of 88 companies spans 55 countries. Founded in 1915, the US$4billion company conducts cutting-edge research and innovation. Yokogawa isengaged in the industrial automation and control (IA), test and measurement,and other businesses segments. The IA segment plays a vital role in a widerange of industries including oil, chemicals, natural gas, power, iron andsteel, pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, and food. For more information aboutYokogawa, please visit the website

AboutYokogawa Europe B.V.

TheEuropean headquarters of Yokogawa were founded in Amersfoort in the Netherlandsin 1982.  Throughout Europe Yokogawa has its own sales, service andengineering operations.  This dedicated network has been extended toCentral and East Europe to further enhance the coverage and support associatedwith serving the process control and automation market place.  Yokogawadevelops and produces flowmeters at Rota Yokogawa in Germany and liquidanalysers and industrial safety systems in the Netherlands.  In additionto this dedicated network of Yokogawa subsidiaries, a select organisation of Test& Measurement (T&M) subsidiaries and distributors is established incertain areas to support the specific customer needs of this continuouslydeveloping and specific market of T&M instrumentation.