Tech Mahindra[http://www.techmahindra.com ] Ltd. a specialist provider of connectedsolutions to the connected world demonstrates connected vehicle solution at theMobile World Congress.
   Tech Mahindraoffers end-to-end integrated connected car/vehicle services and solutions toaddress the needs of the automotive industry. With over fourteen years ofexperience in design, development, verification and validation of automotivesubsystems, Tech Mahindra offers innovative connected vehicle integratedsolutions and services including embedded system solutions, validationservices, standalone reusable components and System Integration capabilities.
   KarthikeyanNatarajan, Global Head, Integrated Engineering Solutions, Tech Mahindra said,”The connected vehicle solution seamlessly connects ‘in-vehicle’ systemswith enterprise computational platforms including vehicle to infrastructurecommunication, enhancing driver assist/alert, analytics to aiddiagnostics/prognosis, comfort, convenience and safety. We believe thissolution will transform the user experience – for all the stakeholders (driver,dealer, OEMs, Tier1s, insurance provider, etc) providing the requiredvalue-add.”
   Tech Mahindra’sautomotive engineering practice[http://www.techmahindra.com/en-US/wwd/services/Pages/Integrated_Engineering_Solutions/VerticalCompetencies/Automotive.aspx ] has been providing a broad range of engineeringservices and solutions to the global automotive industry leaders for over 15years. We have partnered with several major original equipment manufacturers(OEMs) and Tier 1 suppliers across the globe on various programs across thevalue chain and sub-systems. Our significant experience in the automotiveindustry enables us to understand the challenges that the industry is facingand provide technologies and solutions to address them
   Tech Mahindraand Mahindra Comviva will jointly host the customers and analysts at their”Connectivity Suite” in Hall No. 5; Stand 5G51 at the Mobile WorldCongress which will be happening from 24 – 27 February, 2014 at Barcelona.
   About Tech Mahindra
   Tech Mahindrarepresents the connected world, offering innovative and customer-centricinformation technology services and solutions, enabling Enterprises, Associatesand the Society to Rise(TM). We are a USD 2.9 billion company with 87,300+ professionalsacross 49 countries, helping over 605 global customers including Fortune 500companies. Our Consulting, Enterprise and Telecom solutions, platforms andreusable assets connect across a number of technologies to derive tangiblebusiness value.
   We are part ofthe USD 16.7 billion Mahindra Group that employs more than 180,000 people inover 100 countries. The Group operates in the key industries that driveeconomic growth, enjoying a leadership position in tractors[http://www.mahindra.com/What-We-Do/Farm-Equipment ], utility vehicles[http://www.mahindra.com/What-We-Do/Automotive ], after-market[http://www.mahindra.com/What-We-Do/Aftermarket ], information technology[http://www.mahindra.com/What-We-Do/Information-Technology ] and vacationownership [http://www.clubmahindra.com ].
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