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IAV to Showcase Highly Automated Driving Technology at ITS World Congress in Detroit

HAD Technology highlighted at demonstration on Belle Isle and in exhibition booth

IAV Automotive Engineering, Inc., a leading engineeringservices firm, will showcase its innovative technology helping to supportglobal mobility at the 2014 World Congress on Intelligent TransportationSystems (ITS World Congress), Sept. 7-11 in Detroit, Michigan. At the event,IAV will have a demo vehicle equipped with its Highly Automated Driving (HAD)technology available to experience on Belle Isle, as well as an exhibitionbooth in the Cobo Center.


“The ITS World Congress is an annual showcase of thelatest technological trends in intelligent transportation systems, and we areproud to share how IAV contributes. We want to help show the world thatDetroit  – and Michigan – is a hub ofcreativity, innovation and technology, especially when it comes to theautomotive industry,” said Andy Ridgway, president of IAV AutomotiveEngineering, Inc. “We pride ourselves on our expertise and focus onexceeding the expectations of our customers. Our presence at the conferencewill further demonstrate our position as a leading supplier, going above andbeyond to help advance the industry.”


IAV Develops What Moves You


IAV has a long history of vehicle integration anddevelopment and, at ITS World Congress, IAV will demonstrate how its expertisecan help automakers reach the next step toward automated driving. On BelleIsle, IAV will provide an opportunity for attendees to ride in a demonstrationvehicle equipped with IAV’s highly automated technology. The vehicle with IAV’sHAD technology has been programmed to perform at Level 2 automation, defined bythe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. At this level, IAV isdemonstrating automated driving technology that is two to three years ahead ofproduction. The drive will demonstrate engagement in the driving mode, andremoving hands off the steering wheel and foot off the pedals at the same time.


During the demonstration ride, conference attendees willexperience HAD technology in different conditions first-hand, using low andhigh speed applications. Specifically, the demonstration rides will employadaptive cruise control, lane-change assist, parking assistance and more. IAValso has extensive knowledge in blind spot detection and emergency brakingtechnologies, and plans to incorporate these additional features into thedemonstration vehicle. IAV’s demonstration vehicle test drives will run every30 minutes during the designated ITS World Congress technology demonstrationhours from IAV’s tent on Belle Isle, across the MacArthur Bridge and back, and willlast approximately 15 minutes.


“IAV has a significant history in the area of highlyautomated driving, approximately two decades of experience,” said Ridgway.”Our early investment and current expertise allows us to assist ourcustomers fully, as the rest of the industry puts more of an emphasis on thistechnology. With our HAD technology, we will continue our tradition ofstate-of-the-art driving systems and know-how that we use, with our customers,to create the best transportation technologies possible.”