Partly due to legal regulations the scope of services is very much alike and makes players compete primarily on price.
  In order to escape the commodity trap insurers have to offer innovative products and excellent service, and keep in touch with their customers. In the last couple of years, insurance companies have focused on apps and telematic services, including severe-weather warnings or online claims reporting. Installing a telematic-box enables enhanced services like automatic crash notification or stolen vehicle tracking. New pricing models have evolved, too. Instead of using metrics like socio demographics, bonus levels, or horsepower alone, the customer’s driving behavior has become part of the equation and enables usage-based premiums or pay-as-you-drive propositions.
  The new telematic platform “EBI”, developed by the Austrian telematics specialist Dolphin Technologies (http://www.dolphin-technologies.com ) is now marketed to insurance companies worldwide and is meant to completely change the game, making the insurer a daily companion and partner. It enhances the telematic propositions with CRM and marketing automation to the benefit of insurers and their customers. “EBI” therefore creates a symbiosis between telematic applications – like automatic crash reports and user-based fees – with location and time based discounts, services, and third party offers.
  Harald Trautsch, CEO of Dolphin Technologies: “EBI is the first permanent communication channel between car insurance companies and their customers. Drivers receive valuable information, recommendations and offers at exactly the right time. They can not only be warned in real time in case of black ice, snow, storms or similar, but can be offered individual incentives like tickets for public transport or discounts if they use their car with caution or don’t use it at all. Our telematic platform helps preventing damage and accidents before they happen. It takes care of the whole event based transaction and enables the insurance company to easily set up campaigns and build a great customer journey.”
  In the last couple of years, building and agricultural insurances have benefited from weather based warnings via text or app. They have substantially reduced the amount of damage for customers and insurers, creating a win-win situation for both sides and a steady flow of communication. “Using high-tech telematic applications like “EBI”, traditional insurance products can be optimized in a similar way and beyond”, says Trautsch.
  Car Insurance as a Useful Everyday Mobile Companion
  This is how it works: A telematic hardware is either plugged in the online diagnostics port (OBD) or installed in the car. It sends its location and other related information via the cellular network to the EBI-platform. If there is, for example, a weather related problem like black ice, heavy rain, or snow, the driver is informed via smartphone and receives an offer to switch to public transport. If the customer accepts the offer, he gets a free ticket, a safety bonus, or a discount.
  Dolphin Technologies Works with CRM Specialist Salesforce on EBI
  Dolphin provides its “EBI” platform either stand-alone, or in combination with tools from Salesforce (http://www.salesforce.com), the industry leader in CRM software and provider of marketing automation tools. This makes it easy for insurance companies to set up campaigns and work across marketing metrics and telematic information. Dolphin offers both the technical framework as well as the production of content and the implementation of relevant third-party services, like weather and traffic information.
  Find out more on http://www.dolphin-technologies.com
  About Dolphin Technologies
Dolphin Technologies is based in Vienna, Austria. Founded in 2001, the company develops and markets insurance telematic services and is technology leader in the industry. Along other national and international praise, the company has won the “Best Startup” category of the 2007 AT Kearney “Best Innovator Award” competition. Dolphin works with leading insurance companies in Austria and Germany and is now expanding its operation to the UK and US.
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