Vector provides developers with comprehensive support for the integration of Ethernet networks in vehicles as well as for the build-up of service-oriented software architectures. No matter if CAN or FlexRay are to be extended, partly replaced or if new use cases are to be developed: With the design tool PREEvision Ethernet networks or clusters can be described comprehensibly, clearly and from scratch.
If Ethernet is to be integrated into existing network architectures, PREEvision guides the developer step by step through the complete design process: The dedicated user interface helps to design services and service interfaces, to implement the interfaces with software components and to define the IP-based communication including the configuration of VLANs and switches.
Besides dedicated tables for data input several diagrams in PREEvision guarantee a good overview: Quality of service mechanisms of switches can be graphically modelled with the QoS switch diagram and the network diagram provides a highlighting for VLANs. Service-oriented architectures (SOA) can be developed with the UML-based SOA diagram. And packet diagrams visualize the relations and dependencies of services.
Automations relieve the designer and speed up development: Based on a service design, PREEvision generates the corresponding software types and software interfaces and can automatically connect the services. A good deal of the communication artifacts is also automatically generated. Furthermore, PREEvision checks for completeness and secures a AUTOSAR-compliant description. PREEvision 8.5 supports AUTOSAR classic to version 4.2.2 – PREEvision 9.0 will bring an extension to AUTOSAR 4.3 and AUTOSAR adaptive.
PREEvision is the tool for model-based E/E engineering from the architecture design to series production. The software supports architects, network designers, development engineers and test engineers throughout the entire development process: Multifaceted functions for architecture design, requirements management, design of safety-related systems, AUTOSAR system architectures and wiring harness development are available in one application without tool changeovers.
More information at: www.vector.com/preevision Â
About the Vector Group:
Vector Informatik is the leading manufacturer of software tools and embedded components for the development of electronic systems and their networking with many different systems from CAN to Automotive Ethernet.
Vector has been a partner of automotive manufacturers and suppliers and related industries since 1988. Vector tools and services provide engineers with the decisive advantage to make a challenging and highly complex subject area as simple and manageable as possible. Vector employees work on electronic innovations for the automotive industry every day. Worldwide customers in the automotive, commercial vehicles, aerospace, transportation, and control technology industries rely on the solutions and products of the independent Vector Group for the development of technologies for future mobility.
Vector worldwide currently employs more than 1,900 people with sales of EUR 414 million in 2016. With its headquarter in Germany (Stuttgart), Vector has subsidiaries in the USA, Japan, France, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, Sweden, South Korea, India, China, and Brazil.
Vector is also active in popular social networks: www.vector.com/connect
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