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The impact of the COVID-19 global crisis is affecting us all.  Through this crisis The Parts Alliance will work hard to support our customers to ensure you have the parts you need, as soon as you need them.

Keeping Branches open and safe

The Parts Alliance puts the health and safety of our colleagues and customers as our top priority and we have taken precautions across our network to ensure both our people and our business are working safely and responsibly, following all Government and NHS guidance and acting quickly in response to this developing situation.

Our colleagues

We have strengthened our hygiene practices in every site, communicating best practice to all team members and providing them with the products and equipment they need to remain hygienic.

Our specialist support teams, field-based team members and those who travel frequently for work have restricted their movements to essential journeys only, working from home and teleconferencing to reduce contact.

For our Drivers, we have provided anti-bacterial wipes and hand sanitiser in their vehicles for use between deliveries, ensuring our teams are minimising the risk to you while maintaining service.

Supporting your business

All our sites and distribution centres remain open and operational as normal. Over recent months we secured additional stock to maintain good service levels and, at this time, no interruptions to our parts supply have occurred.

Proactive action was taken at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak to reduce the risk of delay in our supply chain and we remain in constant contact with both overseas manufacturers and our national brand supply partners.

Keeping you up to date

We will continue to closely monitor the situation and will share any relevant developments with you. You can find the latest news from The Parts Alliance at

Rest assured that we are doing all we can to protect you and our team members, but please get in touch with your local branch in the meantime if you have any questions or concerns.

These are uncertain and unprecedented times, but we are here to support you and your business.