AI Online


Day: August 1, 2003

8 min read

Bay Harbor, Mich., stretches out along five miles of exquisite (and expensive) Lake Michigan coastline. This gated community, situated about...

3 min read

Revamped marketing programs, new products and enhanced reputations have fueled, to differing degrees, the rebirths of Nissan and Hyundai.Hyundai’s reputation...

3 min read

Every auto company in the world is leaning on its suppliers to cut costs. Annual price reduction targets have been...

3 min read

If a semiconductor supplier were to ask me if they should try to break into the automotive market, I’d say...

2 min read

 Dupont developed this miniature bumper to demonstrate the high-gloss finish achieved with its new Shine-E Rynite thermoplastic.Dupont’s Shine-E Rynite is...

3 min read

Japan continues to be bullish on hydrogen as a future automotive fuel, although there is considerable skepticism about government targets...

4 min read

Europe is fast becoming a profitable playground for South Korean automakers.Hot on the heels of success in North America, where...