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Opening Spectrum Could Affect Vehicle-to-Vehicle Safety Communications

The Association of Global Automakers (Global Automakers) urges the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to evaluate spectrum sharing as it considers a series of proposals aimed at expanding Wi-Fi use. Global Automakers is concerned about the potential risk associated with introducing a substantial number of unlicensed devices into the 5.9GHz band as it may compromise the integrity of vehicle-to vehicle (V2V) accident-prevention technology systems.

“Automakers are expending significant resources and effort to develop V2V safety technologies because of the potential to significantly reduce automobile crash fatalities, injuries, and congestion on our highways,” said Michael Cammisa, Global Automakers’ Director of Safety. “There is no room for error when it comes to motor vehicle safety and we want to make sure that the FCC initiative will not interfere with the anticipated benefits that V2V communication systems could deliver.”

Ten major automakers and numerous technology providers have been working with the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Connected Vehicle Research Program, a pilot study on V2V performance in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Nearly 3,000 cars, trucks, and transit buses are testing V2V and vehicle to infrastructure technologies. The data from the pilot study will be used by the DOT for future potential regulatory decisions regarding communications systems for crash avoidance.

“While we do not oppose efforts to expand Wi-Fi, we are concerned about the potential for interference if these other devices are also using the same spectrum,” added Cammisa. “Global Automakers and our members are committed to working with the FCC and other stakeholders to evaluate the effect of spectrum sharing proposals on V2V safety performance.”

The Association of Global Automakers represents international motor vehicle manufacturers, original equipment suppliers, and other automotive-related trade associations. We work with industry leaders, legislators, and regulators to create the kind of public policy that improves vehicle safety, encourages technological innovation, and protects our planet. Our goal is to foster a competitive environment in which more vehicles are designed and built to enhance Americans’ quality of life. For more information, visit