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AppCarousel Joins GENIVI Alliance to Drive Adoption of In-Vehicle Infotainment

Alliance aims to advance the broad adoption of IVI open source development platform

AppCarousel, a leading provider of app storesolutions and content ecosystem services, today announced it has joined theGENIVI Alliance, an automotive and consumer electronics industry associationdriving the development and adoption of an open In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI)reference platform. Membership in the GENIVI Alliance allows AppCarousel tobring its expertise and experience to the consortium by participating in councilsand working groups to help drive the technical and marketing dir ection of theAlliance.

The GENIVI Alliance iscommitted to propelling the broad adoption of an IVI open-source developmentplatform with the company’s Linux-based core services, open application layerinterfaces, and by encouraging developers to deliver compliant applications.Applications, digital media and cloud services are a key part of IVI, andAppCarousel’s experience and solutions in those areas will add value to theAlliance.

AppCarousel has been bringingtogether best-of-breed apps and the most future-proofed service deliveryplatforms across sectors including mobile and TV for many years. Now, due tothe growing connected car and IVI markets, AppCarousel is delivering thosesolutions to leading vehicle OEMs. AppCarousel understands the importance of atightly curated and managed in-vehicle app experience, underpinned by a r obustglobal cloud service delivery platform. In the in-vehicle entertainment sector,AppCarousel is embracing GENIVI and working with its members to deliver afuture-proofed solution. 

“We are honored to be a part of the GENIVI Alliance,” saidTerry Hughes, Managing Director, AppCarousel. “As more drivers look for apps toget the most out of their in-vehicle experience, we are able to serve as theconduit from app developer to the IVI platform to bring the best, most relevantservices to the customer, in a tightly integrated way. We are committed toGENIVI’s success, and look forward to being a part of what the future of IVIbrings for consumers around the world.”

IVI covers entertainment andinformation features and functionality available in autom obiles. IVI is arapidly changing and expanding field within the automotive industry, and coversmany types of vehicle infotainment applications including music, news,multimedia, navigation, telephony, internet services and more. AppCarousel willbe announcing new partnerships in IVI with other major organizations andcontent providers in the coming months.

About GENIVI Alliance

The GENIVI Alliance is a non-profit industry associationwhose mission is to drive the broad adoption of an In-Vehicle Infotainment(IVI) open source development platform. GENIVI will accomplish this by aligningrequirements, delivering reference implementations, offering certificationprograms and fosteri ng a vibrant open source IVI community. GENIVI’s work willresult in shortened development cycles, quicker time-to-market, and reducedcosts for companies developing IVI equipment and software. Comprised of morethan 180 member companies, GENIVI is headquartered in San Ramon, Calif. Please visit www.genivi.orgfor more information.


About AppCarousel

AppCarousel is a leading turnkey Custom App Store Platformand provider of content ecosystem and developer program services. AppCarouselenables app recruitment, curation, merchandising, distribution and monetizationacross any screen and serves as a t rusted partner to major organizations bypowering their app strategies and making apps a key part of their business. Inmarkets as diverse as mobile, TV, the auto industry, and the Internet ofThings, AppCarousel enables device manufacturers, operators, brands and media distributorsto capitalize on, and create new lines of revenue from the growing appecosystem. AppCarousel, based in San Francisco, is part of Wmode Inc. For moreinformation, visit