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How Avatars Can Help Solve the Supply Chain Talent Gap

Presented by Elaine Puri, Director of Workforce Development, American Society of Transportation & Logistics at Supply Chain & Transportation USA Exhibition & Conference

The supply chain talent gap is an increasingly criticalissue for every industry. According to Supply Chain Insight’s 2013 report,Talent: The Future Supply Chain’s Missing Link, it takes companies an averageof five months to fill supply chain positions, with the greatest shortage beingat the middle management level. Moreover, turnover among supply chain employeesaverages 15 percent and appears to be on the rise.


One way to protect against turnover and make workers feelmore valued is through training programs. The study finds a great need forcross-functional training and skill development among mid-management supplychain professionals, but a dearth of companies (23%) with such programs inplace.


As the job market further tightens, companies will fillthis need through virtual teaching methods, says Elaine Puri, Director ofWorkforce Development at the American Society of Transportation and Logistics.”Online learning software is extremely useful in training employees incircumstances where classroom training is not possible or where companies wantto reduce training time and travel costs,” says Puri, who notes thathuman-like avatars make the training more credible and effective.

Puri will lead a session on how technology is changingemployee training at the Supply Chain &Transportation USA Conference, March17-20, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. She also will discusshow this technology is being used by supply chain leaders to pursue industrycredentials.


The use of virtual training to combat the growing supplychain talent gap is just one of many industry topics to be discussed at theinaugural Supply Chain & Transportation USA Exhibition & Conference,March 17-20, 2014 at the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA.

A first-of-its-kind event, SCTUSA is a trade show andeducational conference serving the transportation needs of supply chainexecutives. Co-located with MODEX and the Georgia Logistics Summit, these jointevents will offer the biggest supply chain show ever to be held under one roof,with 150 educational sessions, workshops and case studies, more than 800exhibitors and top speakers addressing the biggest industry and supply chainissues. Keynote speakers include Edward H. Bastian, president, Delta Air Lines;Lee Scott, businessman and former CEO of Walmart; George W. Prest, CEO, MHI andScott Sopher, Principle, Deloitte Consulting.

For moreinformation about Supply Chain & Transportation USA and to register toattend, please visit the website at You can also connect with Supply Chain & Transportation USA on  Twitter,LinkedIn,and YouTube.