CSA Group, a leading global organization in standardsdevelopment and testing and certification services, today officially announcedits first global certification of BYD Company Ltd.’s Energy Storage System andheld a signing ceremony to recognize their on-going and extended businessrelationship. The CSA Group certification announced today will help BYD’srenewable energy storage products further explore global markets, particularlyNorth America.
The two organizations also announced that BYD, a leadingChinese technology manufacturer specializing in IT, automotive and new energy,has signed an MOU with CSA Group to provide further testing and certificationservices and special inspection programs across the solar energy, storagesystem and electric vehicle sectors.
“We congratulate BYD on achieving thiscertification, and we look forward to continuing to work with them and provideexpanded services in renewable energy and electric vehicle sectors,” saidAsh Sahi, President and CEO of CSA Group. “Our global testing andcertification services provide Chinese manufacturers with a comprehensive rangeof offerings to help them gain entry to global markets.”
CSA Group issued a Certificate of Compliance for BYD’sbi-directional power converter system and a Certificate of Qualification underCSA Group Witness Manufactures Testing for Certification (WMTC) program at itsShenzhen testing facility, and also conducted a Special Inspection of BYD’sEnergy Storage System. CSA Group began cooperating with BYD on PV moduletesting and certification in 2013. Today’s announcement broadens thatrelationship; CSA Group will provide additional testing and certificationservices to BYD across the solar energy, storage system and electric vehiclesectors. CSA Group is one of the largest standards development organizations inNorth America and CSA Group certification in grid-connected applications ishighly recognized and renowned in North America.
“By working in close co-operation with CSA Group, aleader in renewable energy technology testing and certification, we haveachieved significant progress with our Energy Storage System receiving CSAGroup’s first global certification. This is a result of our partnership withCSA Group as well as the diligence and innovation of our employees,” saidMr. Luo Hongbin, Vice President of BYD Co., Ltd., and Dean of BYD ElectricPower Research Institute. Â
As an industry leader, BYD is committed to promoting newenergy solutions worldwide. Receiving certification from CSA Group means thatBYD’s Energy Storage System meets global standards in terms of technology,quality and safety. It is also a demonstration of BYD’s strong competitivenessin the sector. By helping ensure BYD’s products meet global standards, CSAGroup is playing an active role in promoting the new energy industry andcontributing to a more sustainable world. The expansion of the serviceagreement with BYD further demonstrates CSA Group’s position as a trustedprovider of renewable energy testing and certification services. As China is akey market in CSA Group’s global business, the organization will continue toleverage its extensive expertise and knowledge of North American andinternational energy standards, testing and certification services to helpChinese customers gain access to global markets.
In the last decade, CSA Group has focused onsustainability. CSA develops standards and invests in building capabilities inareas including solar panels, wind turbines, electric vehicles and hydrogenfuel, among others. CSA Group plans to expand substantially capabilities inAsia and has identified the automotive industry as one of the focus areas.
About CSA Group
CSA Group is an independent, not-for-profit membershipassociation dedicated to safety, social good and sustainability. Its knowledgeand expertise encompass standards development; training and advisory solutions;global testing and certification services across key business areas includinghazardous location and industrial, plumbing and construction, medical, safetyand technology, appliances and gas, alternative energy, lighting andsustainability; as well as consumer product evaluation services. The CSA certificationmark appears on billions of products worldwide. For more information about CSAGroup, visit www.csagroup.org
About BYD
BYD Company Ltd. is one of China’s largest companies andhas successfully expanded globally. Specializing in battery technologies, theirgreen mission to “solve the whole problem” has made them industrypioneers and leaders in several High-tech sectors including High-efficiencyAutomobiles, Electrified Public Transportation, Environmentally-Friendly EnergyStorage, Affordable Solar Power and Information Technology and Original DesignManufacturing (ODM) services.
As the world’s largest manufacturer of rechargeablebatteries, their mission to create safer and more environmentally friendlybattery technologies has led to the development of the BYD Iron Phosphate (or”Fe”) Battery. This fire-safe, completely recyclable and incrediblylong-cycle technology has become the core of their clean energy platform thathas expanded into automobiles, buses, trucks, utility vehicles and energystorage facilities. BYD and all of their shareholders, including the greatAmerican Investor Warren Buffett, see these environmentally and economicallyforward products as the way of the future.
BYD has made a strong entrance to the North, Central andSouth American markets with their battery electric buses, and lineup ofautomobiles. Their mission lies not just in sales growth, but also insociological integration and local job creation as they have poured incredibleinvestments into developing offices, dealerships and manufacturing facilitiesin the local communities they now call home, truly a first for Chinesecompanies. For more information, please visit www.byd.com
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