IDENTCO – a manufacturer of high-performance labeling solutions for the
power equipment, electronics, transportation, and general industrial sector
– has introduced a robust series of labels for printed circuit board (PCB)
applications that features a substrate developed exclusively for IDENTCO by
a prominent industry materials and coating supplier. Providing vital
identification and traceability for high-leverage PCB components, the new
TT413 labeling series easily withstands prolonged, repeated exposure to the
chemicals and high temperatures typical to post-production washing
IDENTCO’s TT413 portfolio is designed for on-demand thermal transfer
printing of variable information – a plus for electronics companies
incorporating serialization and/or anti-counterfeiting coding into their
production practices. A 2.4 mil gloss white polyimide provides exemplary,
ultra-durable resistance against smudges, solvent, heat, and abrasion, and
serves as a receptive surface for a variety of thermal transfer ribbons from
TT413 labels feature a 2.0 mil ultra-aggressive permanent acrylic adhesive
that, like the product’s printable materials, offers excellent resistance to
harsh chemicals and high temperatures. Its adhesive power is equally
impressive, with tests showing a 20-minute dwell with a peel adhesion
strength of 40oz/in or higher for both stainless steel and PC board. At 24
hours, the labels boast dwell strengths of 43oz/in for epoxy, and an
especially strong 55oz/in for stainless steel.
The new labeling solutions are ideally suited to a wide array of electronics
components manufacturing environments, including box builds, internal and
external vehicle parts (such as in-cabin infotainment systems and outside
sensors), and various other computer unit and PCB assembly settings.
“Featuring a substrate developed specifically for IDENTCO, the new TT413
series is designed to meet the type of demanding durable labeling
requirements inherent to various PCB applications and electronics components
production,” said Victor Holbein, Chief Operating Officer for IDENTCO. “Its
special polyimide allows it to provide exceptional levels of durability and
functionality at an exceedingly cost-effective price point.”
IDENTCO’s TT413 labels are available in release liners composed of 55#
glassine or 1.5 mil polyester, each suitable for both automated or manual
application processes.
IDENTCO is a designer, manufacturer, and supplier of high-performance
labeling solutions for several demanding industries, including automotive
components, electronics applications, industrial machinery & tools, and
commercial transportation. The company specializes in exactingly engineered
labels, ribbons, applicators and printers for product tracking & tracing,
branding, compliance, and identification.
IDENTCO has a decades-long reputation with leading OEMs and contract
manufacturers for exemplary products, discerning quality management,
operational proficiency, and collaborative customer support. A global
presence allows IDENTCO to truly understand the markets it serves –
including mission-critical needs and pain points – as well as to develop and
apply efficiency-instilling, cost-saving labeling standardization processes
wherever possible. For more information, visit www.identco.com.
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